Chapter 9

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Thoroughly chewing his food, Kougami listened in on his peers as they were deep into their daily discussions. He never participated in said discussions, his only interest being that of analyzing. He examined their subtle movements, their choice of words, and how their voices fluctuated with each statement said. It was an exercise that his professor assigned to be done during his free time.

As he stared in a pensive manner, he reached out for his sandwich only to notice its missing status. His eyes wandered down to the table and realized that another person decided to sit beside him during his examination of his peers. He stared up at the person who was bashfully eating his lunch, "[Name]--"

"I'm pissed," she said through her chewing. "It's like he forgets that I'm here or something... Oh by the way, excellent choice in sandwich today! Is this provolone?"

He let out a long sigh and returned his attention to his classmates, but they were already dispersing as it was almost time to head back. "Gino will always be like that. He is only focused on being an Inspector, which is something you should be doing if you want to follow him."

She nodded, taking in his advice with distaste, "Geez, it's not that I want to follow him... I think he said yes to my confession out of pity."

"I don't doubt you."

She narrowed her eyes at him, and he took the chance to swipe the sandwich out of her hands, downing it all in just one bite. "That..." She was speechless, and when she glanced down at his written work, her heart sank. "SHIT! I forgot about Saiga's homework!"

"It's our second year with Saiga, and you still can't get it together," he shook his head with disbelief.

"Do you think he'll notice?" she asked nervously.

"There are only five of us in that class," Kougami answered as he stood, "you can figure out the answer to that."

"Ugh," she groaned as she mirrored his movement. "Then I'll just have to work on it when I get to class."

As the tall male stared at her, his eyes widened in realization, "Gino probably has a lunch break now too. Why aren't you with him?"

"I told you. I'm mad at him. Plus, he's just over-studying right now and he won't pay attention to me. I'm not a needy person, but at least talk to me!" she continued on.

He bitterly chuckled at her predicament, "Be careful with your problems, [Name]. You're Psycho-Pass might rise too much."

She halted her complaints to take a good look of his expression, wondering whether he was genuinely concerned for her. When she noticed the corners of his lips tilted upwards, her smile returned. "Ha! Shinya, your sense of humor is as dry as ever."

At least someone understood when he was joking. He flashed her a small smile, "Let's go, kid."

"We're the same age. You are not allowed to call me that," [Name] growled under her breath as she followed him out of the cafeteria.


[Name] idly stared at Gino as he immersed himself in his textbooks. He clearly did not understand the word 'date' as shown from his lack of interest in the [h/c] female before him. She crossed her arms, loudly exhaling to show her impatience for his actions. It had been an ongoing dilemma for the two ever since she confessed almost four months ago. He never initiated any type of romance, never bothered taking care of her, never cared to converse with her...the list goes on.

What made her feel guilty about it all were the thoughts that would cross her mind whenever she was with Gino. 'If only Shinya was here.' Evidently, she realized too late that she preferred Shinya's company over Gino's, and now she was struggling with what to do. "You look like you want to say something."

She pressed her lips together to form a thin line as she debated on what to say. "Are you my boyfriend, Gino?"

The question captured his full attention as he directed his gaze to her. "What are you talking about?"

"I like you, Gino, but you're on my last nerve," she stated as she rested her head upon her palm. "You made me into this attention sucking monster, and I'm afraid you might raise my Psycho-Pass by the way you treat me."

"Your Psycho-Pass is nothing to joke about."

"Just answer the question." [Name] rolled her eyes. Honestly, she was a bit bothered Gino didn't laugh at her morbid joke (a joke she coincidentally received from Shinya).

"Of course I'm not your boyfriend."

"Really?" She blinked slowly, attempting to comprehend the situation, "But I thought--"

"I accepted your proposal to a trial. I hope you weren't under the influence that we were together." He sounded disgusted by the idea which offended the girl. "... Now, are you done?"

The question sent a crack in her somber expression, an odd smile forming at the situation. "Yeah, we're done. I guess the test didn't work out."


"You're a real ass, Gino."

It was his turn to crack a smile. "Your fault for being delusional."

She couldn't help but laugh at his statement since he wasn't far from the truth. Her crush on him blinded her but fizzled out as soon as she noticed his priorities didn't involve her. Because of their long trial period, she had somehow forgotten they were on a trial and believed he was her boyfriend. Delusional was an understatement. "Yeah, yeah...You're still paying for dinner since it's our last date and all."

He waved his hand around in a shoo-ing motion. "Fine, just let me study."

[Name] chuckled as she gathered her belongings, not with haste though since she wasn't bothered with Gino's presence. "See ya later!" She slid out of the booth and traveled outside the cafe.

Only a few steps into the crowded streets and she noticed a familiar face in the swarm of people. "MRS. KOUGAMI!"


"Long time no see!" The girl ran over to the woman, and her first instinct was to help her with the grocery bags. "Thanks for the sandwich during lunch."

"Of course, I knew you would take a bite out of it. Shinya always complains how you continue stealing his lunch, though we both know he secretly enjoys it."

She smirked, "I know. He loves attention."

The middle-aged woman hummed, enjoying her conversation with the girl as they continued to walk down the streets. "Oh, what are you doing out so late alone?"

"Uhh, well, I was with Gino, but we ended things. I'm heading home now," she stated sheepishly. "We're still friends though. It just wasn't working."

"Finally my son has a chance!"



"Don't mind me, dearie~"

"Alright then," she hummed as she tried to decipher what Mrs. Kougami meant.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now