Chapter 4

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[Name]'s fingers thrashed about the touchscreen keyboard, her tongue wetting her dry lips periodically as she dove into her classwork. It was the usual crunch time during lunch, where she would attempt to finish any last minute work for her next classes. 

"Why didn't you call me?" she questioned her partner.

After two months of Saiga's class, she thought that Kougami would have warned her at night about the forgotten homework (due to her leisure browsing of the internet). He knew what she did, he knew she'd forget, but he didn't to be a nagging mother to her. "I thought this time you would know there was homework after he called you out last time."

Her [e/c] orbs slid over to where he was seated and then returned her attention to the screen. "You're just scared of small talk with me outside of school."

He frowned. Two months of her analyzing him and now she was an expert when it came to him. Likewise, he was a professional in handling her at school; when it came down to activities out of school grounds, he was an awkward train wreck. His mannerisms were the opposite of his stoic self, and it mesmerized her how he lacked any social etiquette.

"At least your work is interesting," Luna interrupted their conversation. "[Name], eat something."

The [h/c] girl stuck out her tongue as she grabbed her sandwich and took an exaggerated bite out of it, placing it back down quickly to continue working. "You're lucky you're in a class with Ginoza."

Kougami let out a soft chuckle as he went back to his book, a history book that [Name] had brought him from home. She had an immense collection of historical books, some dated back to the 19th century as she came from a long line of important people in the education field. Although she had extensive knowledge of many subjects, she somehow ended up not wanting to follow the path of teaching. She was the oddball of the family, but truthfully, she couldn't care less when it came to her family's lineage.

"What about me?" a wild Ginoza appeared.

Her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice, and she masked her face with her tablet. Luna just sighed, "[Name] was just telling me how lucky I am to be in my elective. She said that she was jealous of us learning about the Sibyl system."

[Name] gave her a thumbs up for the smooth reply. "Yeah, exactly my words."

Kougami shook his head, keeping in his laughter to not disturb his friend. Too bad Ginoza wasn't interested in [Name]. "Hn." He dove into his lunch, not bothering to eye the infatuated girl.

Luna shrugged, knowing she had helped her friend as best as she could. Nothing else could breach through the naivety of the boy, unless [Name] confessed, but even then, she didn't think he would notice it was a confession. 

Her lips pursed as she watched [Name] speak amicably with her other friend, Kougami. It was amazing that she had no intention of pursuing anything romantic with him when they were basically on the same wavelength. Same interests, same thirst for knowledge, and an undeniable chemistry. How were they so blind to a great relationship?!

After a few minutes of typing, [Name] sighed with relief, "My goodness. I'm a pro in getting things done."

"By the way, what's your homework about?" Luna asked as her arm extended over to grab [Name]'s sandwich and hover it by her friend's mouth.

The girl opened her mouth, bit into it, and chewed frantically to reply. "A presentation. Today Kougami and I have to present in front of Saiga about our discoveries of each other."

"You call him Saiga?" Ginoza questioned. "Shouldn't you call him Professor?"

"Ah, he doesn't care. He's laidback," Kougami answered for her.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now