Chapter 19

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Love was only for fools.

There was something odd in feeling blissful. Kougami Shinya understood how life worked. As many people have experienced before him: life wasn't thoughtful-- life was a road full of hardships and unfair phenomenons. It's cruel and unforgiving.

So why was he incredibly happy? His realistic attitude had hardened him throughout his childhood and teen years. Even after befriending Gino, he was cautious when he felt indescribable joy. He assumed it all changed when he met [Name], the only woman he could truly love.

And now he was going to propose to her and maybe create a family. He never thought that he would be domesticated like this, but if it was with her, he was open to the idea of having a child... He could just imagine how the child would look like, a combination of them two.

Heaving out a loud sigh, he stared up at the ceiling as he awaited her return. As the hours passed though, he felt a gnawing sensation that something was wrong.

That being this truly happy meant that the worse has yet to come.


"Shit. Shit. [Name]!"

The desperate tone in Sasayama's voice did nothing to rouse the woman from her slumber. She was unconscious and laying on the cold, wet floor. What worried him most was how her hair was matted with blood, and it was clearly hers.  

Their eerie surroundings didn't do much to calm his nerves. It all looked like a layout of a low budget horror film. The smell of rotting corpses and formaldehyde, the sounds of a leaky faucet, the light flickering due to poor maintenance. There were large clear containers of unknown substances situated everywhere, a table with a variety of knives and carving tools accompanying it, and a few cages scattered. Nothing about this place seemed welcoming.

"Hmm? You're awake?" a low hum caught Sasayama's attention.

He grit his teeth, eyes narrowing with hate. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

The man before him smiled, amused by Sasayama's outburst. He hid half his face behind his book and lowered his gaze on the woman beside him. "I'm merely a spectator."

"We need information to get out of this mess--"

"Toma, we have all the information at our feet," the man rebutted smoothly. "An Enforcer and an Inspector. What more could you need?"

Toma, the silver-haired man's accomplice, glared down at Sasayama. "I'll take the girl first then."

As he neared her, Sasayama tried to jump in front of [Name]'s lifeless body, though his limbs were chained to the floor. "Don't fucking touch her!"

"Such camaraderie. He's defensive of his partner's lover," Toma chuckled. His fingers threaded through her hair, a cruel smile tugging at his lips. When he noticed her nose twitch, he pulled half her body up by the strands of her hair. "You really want to protect this useless woman."

Sasayama growled, his body pulling against the chains to escape. "LET HER GO, YOU ASSHOLE!"

Toma's fingers detached themselves from her hair, causing her to land onto the side of her head. A bump would surely form from that fall, but that was the least of her problems.

"Why should we interrogate you first, and not her?"

Sasayama's eyes narrowed. "Because she hasn't seen the darkness of the MWPSB. She doesn't know the information that I have, and she'll probably die before she gave you guys anything. That's the type of person she is. She would rather die protecting people than giving you shit."

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now