Chapter 2

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"Is anyone sitting here?"

[Name] and Luna directed their attention to the male voice beside them. The [h/c] female was first to respond, and they sent him a kind smile. "Kougami, right?" The man nodded in response. "Go ahead."

Luna nudged her friend, signaling how bad of an idea this was. The girl stuck out her tongue in response, but when she inhaled the faint smell of cologne, she returned her attention back to Kougami. That was when she noticed the classroom's attention was completely on their group.

"So do you know yet when they'll give you your elective class?" Kougami asked though it sounded like he was awkwardly attempting small talk.

"I don't know yet," [Name] responded as she thought about it, "I was hoping between the psychology or a cooking class."

He began to chuckle as his head began to rest in his palm with his elbow firmly planted on the table. "Those are completely different courses."

"You're pretty fickle-minded," his friend commented, not bothering to glance at her.

Instead of being insulted, she spouted in giggles which alerted their classmates. Was she laughing with them? "I very much am."

"That's Ginoza," Kougami pointed at the boy next to him.

She stared at him, taking in his prominent features. He seemed more stern and conservative than his friend, and with his straight, silky hair and glasses, she felt her heart speed up a little. Luna noticed her friend's immediate infatuation as he had all the features of [Name]'s ideal man.

"Oh, nice to meet you! I'm [Full Name]," she announced, and as she continued to stare, she realized something about him. "Isn't your dad a latent criminal?"

He didn't know how to respond, but luckily for him, the professor entered to resume the class. He brought up the topic of electives, describing each class with such detail. It was mandatory for to take one since this decided their future.

"You should check your tablets for your schedule, and once you get it, head over to your designated elective."

[Name] was quick to operate her tablet as did everyone else. This was where their future began to be paved for them, which ignited their excitement. Her eyes eagerly digested her schedule which was the result of the multitude of tests given within the first few months.

"I got a class called Bylaws of Society," Luna sneered with disbelief. "What about you, [Name]?"

She bursted out laughing. "That must suck--"

"The bylaws of this new age are pivotal to know," Ginoza stated as he fixed his glasses and packed up his bag.

She zipped her mouth and nodded in agreement with him. "O-Of course!"

"[Name], what did you get?" Luna reiterated her question.

"Oh I got Introduction to Criminal Minds," [Name] sighed as she slumped in her chair. "At least it's kind of like Psychology."

"Isn't that with the scary professor?" Luna shuddered.

It caught the girl's attention, and she frowned in response, "I sure hope not. I hope the teacher is super easy, doesn't give too much homework, and is super nice!"


"This is going to be a difficult course as we will be nitpicking every single behavioral pattern possible. We'll see what makes a human being tick, how and why they perform their actions, and unraveling their history just by taking a glance. Although most of you won't be able to perfect your intuitions, you'll have some understanding of the criminal instincts of the human mind," the professor spoke. "Ah, my name is Saiga Joiji by the way."

[Name] groaned at her horrible luck, lightly slamming her head against her desk. "Damn it."

"Is there a problem?" the professor asked, staring directly at the girl.

She pulled her head back up at the tone of his voice, knowing he was speaking to her. "None, sir!"

He smirked, walking away to another area of the classroom. "There will be many group assignments and projects, so pick a partner whom you never had the pleasure of befriending. I'll give you a few minutes to do so."

Right on cue, the room became filled with voices with the number of people standing and talking to each other. The girl remained seated and faced the man sitting beside her. "Well, I haven't had the pleasure of befriending you, Kougami."

"Same here. It seems the class will be interesting," Kougami thought out loud. "It's too bad that Gino isn't here."

"You mean Ginoza?" she questioned, earning a nod from him. "Ah, wasn't his dad a latent criminal?"

Kougami became uncomfortable, his stance becoming rigid as he turned to face the board. It didn't look like he wanted to answer that question, and she noticed it almost immediately. "I'm not implying that he's a bad guy too! I'm pretty sure Ginoza is a cool guy...Sorry if it was a touchy subject."

"Don't apologize. I just thought you wanted to gossip about him when he wasn't here."

She noticed that his hesitance was gone and replaced by a much calmer tone. She sighed with relief. "No, I just wanted to know if he was the one that everyone's talking about. Plus, I saw what you guys did at the cafeteria earlier today, and for defending the kid, I have this feeling that you guys are good people."

"You saw?" Kougami's eyes widened. "So you saw us get into some trouble with the security there."

"You got in trouble?" Her eyebrows rose. "...For protecting the kid?"

"For getting involved."

She shook her head. "All they care about is about your Psycho Pass going up, rather than the good in the world...AH! You didn't hear that from me!"

"Hear what?" Kougami smirked.

"Ha!" she grinned, thankful he was playing along. "Hear about how boring this class is going to be!"

"Really? Is that your conclusion of my class?" the professor hummed with interest as he stood behind her. She shrunk in her chair as he eyed her down, analyzing everything about her. "You'll be my example in tomorrow's lecture. Thank you for volunteering."

She gulped down her worries, shivering with anticipation as to what was going to happen tomorrow in class.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now