Chapter 13

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The smug smile on Sasayama's face made Shinya's blood boil. The two had just finished their lunch break and were now on their way to the auditorium. It was finally their turn for the quick orientation, and the idea of being in the same room as his Enforcer wasn't appealing at the moment.

"It's so obvious you just want to throw her on your bed and wildly--"

"Who are you talking about?" Gino interrupted as he walked up to the duo. He didn't notice that he had saved the Enforcer's cheek from a brutal punch, but if he knew that his friend was going to punch Sasayama, he wouldn't have bothered including himself in the conversation.

"Just about your cute friend," Sasayama cooed as he took off, leaving the two Inspectors to ponder.

Gino eyed his friend, noticing his uneasy expression. "He met [Name], didn't he?" he sighed.

Shinya tried to ignore the concern in Gino's voice, mainly because he was in no mood to have another rival. Wait, no. Gino was definitely not a rival. God, he was going insane. He just needed to take a deep breath and stop over analyzing every man who came into contact with [Name].

'Sasayama was only interested in her because he found some way to tease me. That Kagari kid seemed lonely and wanted a unique friend. Gino was just showing concern for a friend,' Shinya reasoned in his head. The rationalization subdued his anger, allowing him to respond. "Yeah, she stopped by before going to her own orientation."

Gino nodded as he gazed ahead. "I see. We should head inside."


At the sight of his home, Shinya's body relaxed. Even though it was his first day on the job, Unit 1 seemed to have a heavier work load than the rest. Whenever there was a problem, they were the first ones to be called upon. They were prioritized over the other units, and it resulted in more work and him taking the night shift.

By the time he had finished, it was way past midnight and far past the meeting time with [Name]. He let out a long sigh as he opened the door to his home, flicking on the lights on his way inside. He already let his mother know of his overtime, and he was certain she was sleeping right now... Though he didn't expect the frequent house prowler to be here. "What are you doing?"

The [h/c] female was drooling on his couch, but when the lights flashed on, she straightened herself up and tried to act like she wasn't sleeping. There was an apparent red mark on her cheek and saliva rolling down it. The sight made the corners of his lips tilt upwards, and he held in his chuckle as she blushed.

"Don't tease me. It's been a long day."

He threw himself in the chair in front of her as he shred off his blazer. "You don't have to remind me. But why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about the first day. I'm sure you have a lot to tell me, seeing as how you have a funny Enforcer."

He analyzed how tense she became at the mention of his Enforcer and narrowed his eyes. "He's amusing, but I'm sure you have something more interesting to say."

She glanced away from him, scratching her cheek in embarrassment. "I got reprimanded harshly by the Senior Inspector in my unit."

His eyes widened. "Were you late?"

"No, no. I just... They got mad at me for being too friendly with our Enforcers," she mumbled. "They're criminals, and I understand that. However, I don't want to treat them like society's trash."

"Just be careful with them. If you try to think like them, you'll be them," he warned, though his tone showed his lack of enthusiasm on the subject.

"Yeah, I know. But I don't think I can ever think like a criminal," she admitted. "Although I hint around how I dislike the Sibyl system, it doesn't mean I don't think it's necessary."


"Look, a disorderly society is something mankind has been trying to eliminate ever since the beginning of time. We finally achieved that type of society. It's everything we have wanted since it optimizes happiness and appears incorruptible," she explained.

Shinya kept his gaze on her drowsy expression. She was especially talkative at the moment, which was brought upon by the time of night. He didn't know whether to give his input on the matter or stay quiet. He was just too tired to begin a discussion on the Sibyl system.

When she noticed that he wasn't going to respond, she yawned and stretched her arms in the air. "I should go home. My mom is probably worried about me."

"You can stay here."

The suggestion made her blush even though it wasn't the first time she had slept over. However, it was usually his mom that pleaded her to stay the night, and she always stayed in his mom's room. But since she was currently asleep, there was no way [Name] could sleep in her room and would have to sleep on the couch or...

"You want me in your room?"

"I can take the couch."

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose," she said hesitantly.

"Yeah, let me just fix my room," he responded calmly, acting as if the sleepover was no big deal. He traveled down the hallway and towards his room as she trotted behind him silently.

She stood by the doorway as he cleared his bed and floor. He then went to the outside closet to fish out some blankets and pillows for himself. "Hey, aren't we going to talk some more?"

He was in the midst of creating himself a spot on the couch, but when he heard her question, he let out a tired sigh. "You can tell me tomorrow on the way to work."

She nodded then glanced at her wrist to tap on it. The hologram of her work clothes dissipated and changed into her nightwear. Shinya's eyes widened when the clothes settled in, grabbing her attention. "What? It's just-- HOLY SHIT!"

When did her mother tamper with her clothes modifier? [Name] has always worn sweatpants and a loose shirt as pajamas, but today she donned a satin nightgown that hardly covered her legs or chest area. She was practically naked in her opinion!

"Trying to seduce me, huh?"

"Shinya!" she gasped as she smacked his arm. "Don't joke around about this."

He didn't expect that response. No, the normal response would have been her cheerful laughter as she posed in her garments in an unseemly manner. This wasn't the first time her mother had changed her outfits, but it seemed to never bother [Name] too much. However, that was before the two of them were aware of each others feelings. Since they never decided to act upon them, the tension was excruciating and his joke didn't help the situation.

The conversation paused as he pondered on a way to make it more lighthearted. During that pause, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander her body and drink up the sight. Just one good look of her, he couldn't keep it together. His need screamed for her. His emotions yearned for her. His entire body wanted her.

His hand shot out to pin her shoulder against the wall. "Shinya?"

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He wasn't joking anymore. His face was unbearably close to hers, and she could feel the body heat radiating off of him.

She stared into his optics, noticing heavy layer of lust in them. Her heart sped up, a blush staining her cheeks. He had never let himself go this far; he was always so restrained when it came to his emotions. It somewhat worried her, causing her to speak up. "What's wrong?"

He let his arm that pinned her to the wall fall to his side. He backed away as he began to get a hold of his emotions. However, this forces [Name] to ache the lack of skin-to-skin contact. Forgoing any shred of caution, she gave in and wrapped her arms wrapped around his neck to bring him closer to her body. When her eyes locked with his, the surprise in them made her somewhat nervous. "Stop me if you don't want to," she mumbled as she craned her neck forward and planted her lips onto his. It was a bold move that she never thought she would do, but it unlocked something within Shinya.

His arms grabbed her waist as he once again pressed her against the wall. His lips responded hungrily as his body pressed deliciously against hers. The kiss was wild and passionate, clouding up her reasoning in the process. She didn't need to reason though. She just wanted him.

"Shinya," she breathlessly moaned when his lips traveled down her neck. They wandered around the base of her neck until he caught his breath, then he returned to her lips. This time he wanted more than just her lips. His tongue brushed against her mouth, and when she parted her lips, it snaked inside to begin exploring.

"Oh my god."

The two jumped at the sound of his mother's voice and peeled their bodies away from each other. Shinya turned to confront his mother as she stood at the end of the hallway. Her shocked expression was a clear indicator that she witnessed their kiss which in turn horrified them. They weren't sure how she would react. Would she blow up at how inappropriate they were being? Would she scold [Name] for seducing her son? Would she hit her son for being lecherous?

"Finally!" she exclaimed when she recovered from her shock. "I thought it would never happen!"

The two stood there in silence until Shinya decided to speak up. "I'm going to bed," he said as he sluggishly traveled to the living room.

[Name] tentatively glanced back and forth between Shinya and his mother. She didn't know how to approach the situation or how to talk to either of them. Her mind was muddled with even more questions that there was no way she could even procure a decent a conversation. "I think I need some sleep too."

Before his mother could reply, the young woman sprinted into Shinya's room and locked the door. "GOOD NIGHT!" she shouted from behind the door.

The middle-aged woman stood there confused. "Well, are they together or not?" she grumbled to herself as she too returned to her room.

However, she was not alone in thinking that, because the two involved were just as confused themselves.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now