Chapter 12

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Seeing fresh new faces brought excitement throughout the Public Safety Bureau, both Inspectors and Enforcers alike. There were many introductions to be made as each new Inspector was assigned to their permanent team. The moment they had been waiting for was finally here. They were finally going to be situated in their rightful place in society, a position that would hopefully last them the rest of their lives. Although the relief was present, most people were nervous of what was to come. After all, it was a prestigious and difficult job to attain.

"They are taking sooooo long to announce our teams," [Name] whispered to Gino.

Gino remained passive to her comment, "Learn to be patient."

"I can't," she whined quietly, "I'm excited that all three of us might be in the same group. You know how awesome that'll be!"

"There is a higher possibility that we will be separated," Shinya pessimistically added as he joined the whispered conversation.

She narrowed her eyes, "Shush. I don't need to hear your negativity." Although her tone was playful, she meant every word of what she said.

"[Full Name]," an Inspector called out. Said female rose her hand as she stood from her seat, her expression beaming excitement. "You're in Division 2, which constitutes as the rest of Division 2."

A gasp escaped her as her hopes were crushed. She slinked down into her chair to grab the rest of her belongings. Shinya softly patted her shoulder to console her defeated form while Gino watched quietly. "I'll see you muchachos later."

"H-Have you been learning Spanish?" Gino asked in amazement (amazement that she actually had the patience to sit herself down and learn the language).

"No, I've been watching some Spanish T.V.," she yawned, "That stuff is pretty dramatic even though I don't know what's going on."

Shinya held in his laughter as he waved her goodbye. Gino noticed his friend's amusement and decided to comment on it. "You've been pretty upbeat lately."

He just smirked in response as he returned his attention to their superior, who had begun to announce the next group. When their names called together, Shinya sighed with relief. Everything was finally becoming a reality-- everything he had aspired and wanted was here. If only [Name] were here to see it all...


"Who's that cutie?"

Shinya directed his view away from [Name]'s form and onto his new Enforcer. He didn't think his staring would be caught staring since it had only been a short glance, but it seemed that his new partner's eyes were keen on certain things. "None of your business, Sasayama."

"Hearing you speak like that is nauseating," Gino added after he finished chewing his food. "You should know your place."

"Hey! Hey! I was just trying to start a conversation with you two. Don't try to be a stick in the mud, Gino," the man named Sasayama laughed as he took another bite of his lunch. "Man, the food here is actually kinda good, considering where we are."

"We are in a respectable building, why would the food be less than tasteful?" Gino quipped. "And it's Inspector to you."

Sasayama nervously chuckled as he tried to find something else to talk about. Gino was practically stonewalling him, declining any advancements he made to become friends with him. Meanwhile, Shinya was ignoring the Enforcer as his sights were zeroed in (once more) on the girl sitting at the other table. "Hey, if you want to go talk to her, I'll be your wing-man."

Shinya smirked as returned his attention to Sasayama. "I'm just making sure she isn't getting into any trouble with her new group."

"So you do know her!"

"We both know her, and she isn't your concern," Gino coldly said.

"Ouch, man. I'll tell your old man that little Nobuchika is being mean," Sasayama replied sarcastically.

The joke wasn't well received by the bespectacled man as he abruptly stood from his chair and stomped away, leaving his half-finished food on the table. The entire lunch room's attention was on them since the chair had fallen to the floor in Gino's pursuit to leave. It brought on a tense air that silenced the remaining two.

The awkwardness was suffocating, and after a few minutes, Shinya debated whether he should finish up eating or stay for the rest of the lunch hour. He glanced at his watch. He still had a good twenty minutes left... Did he want to spend it here?

Shinya stiffened when he felt a small hand rest on his shoulder as a person walked up behind him. When he turned his head, he noticed [Name] setting herself beside him. "Is Gino okay? I saw him leave in a hurry."

Sasayama let out a low whistle, "Well, whaddya know? You really do know her, Shinya!"

She blinked a few times before a wry smile settled on her lips, "Ah... Hello there, and you are?"

"Sasayama Mitsuru, but you can call me whatever you want, pretty lady," he purred.

Shinya sent his Enforcer a glare, one that he so obviously noticed. He wanted to remark on it, but the petite woman was fast to respond. "Pervert."

"What?" Sasayama choked out.

"I'll call you Pervert, or Sir Pervert when you're behaving," she hummed as her hand snaked over to Shinya's lunch tray. "Man, they hardly fed me. Let me take a bite, Shinya~"

"They hardly fed you because you hardly ever eat," he retorted as he watched her dig in to his food.

"I'm only hungry for your stolen food," she snorted with her mouth full.

Sasayama just spectated their whole conversation in a quiet fashion. It was odd that he didn't try to speak again and opted to observe instead. He watched as Shinya spoke a little more than usual, smiled more, even laughed more. It was like a whole different person right in front of him. It appeared that his deduction about the two was right.

"You have the hots for her!"

They both stopped their chatter as they stared wide-eyed at the Enforcer. It seemed that their brains hadn't process what he had blurted out, but when they did, the color on their cheeks turned a solid pink. Flustered, they both stuttered as they tried to say something, but someone else joined the group.

"[Name]! Unit 2 is leaving for the orientation seminar!" a boy exclaimed as his head traveled dangerously close to hers.

She nodded but soon noticed Shinya's stiff expression. "This is my Enforcer, Kagari. It's his first time ever working as well."

The orange haired male scanned them both, as if he were checking out his competition. He let out a snarky scoff before speaking, "Nice to meet you, I guess." With his little greeting, he swung his arm around her neck, "Come on, before we're late."

She pouted, grumbling out some curses as she stood from her chair. "I'll stop by your house to see your mom later, Shinya. Maybe I'll catch you there."


"Bye bye, Sir Pervert."

"See ya, Princess."

She would have expressed her hatred for the nickname, but who was she to complain? His nickname wasn't so great either. The corner of her lips rose into a smirk, "Your Enforcer is a keeper, Shinya."

"I don't doubt it," Shinya muttered as he lazily stared at Kagari, who still had his arm around her neck. The boy was far too close to her, and Shinya didn't like it, not one bit. As he watched them leave, he realized how the Enforcers were flocking to her, like a moth to a light-- but then again, she wasn't your average Sibyl citizen. It was one of the many reasons why he himself was entranced by her.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now