Chapter 8

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There was a skip to her walk as she traveled the usual route to school. She attempted to add some whistling to her walk, but it was then she realized that she couldn't whistle. The happiness from the weekend clouded her thoughts; her head was too far up in the clouds, and it was noticed by the man walking beside her.

"Do you want to tell me how it went?" Kougami asked.

[Name] hummed, waving her hand around to dismiss his question. "Just a date~"

He emitted a pained chuckle, "Just? You seem to be in high spirits even if the final project is today."

She paused, eyes widening and palms sweating. "O-Oh yeah. The project."

Kougami slowly turned his head to make eye contact with her. "...Did you bring your project?"

"Yes... but I didn't finish it."

"How do you forget the biggest assignment of the semester?"

She laughed nervously, scratching her head in embarrassment. "Don't worry, let's just walk faster and I can finish it up before class starts." Her hand enveloped his own as she pulled him to go faster. At first, he followed her quickening pace, but upon remembering his mother's words, he pulled his hand away from her grasp. It left her startled, confused, and amazed. "Shinya?"

She used his first name again. He felt his cheeks burn, and he covered his face with his hand. "Go ahead without me. I have things to do first."

As odd as it was for him to have an errand this early in the morning, the panic within her overrode her instincts and she took his word. "I'll see you later then." With that said, she looked ahead and began to run down the sidewalk as she grabbed her tablet out of her bag.

'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'

Yeah right. It made him feel like shit.


Saiga stared at [Name] with an amused smile, "Ohhh, so you had a nice date this weekend."

"I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" she exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air.

"Your cheeks are rosy, you stare off into the distance with a love-stricken face, you are wearing more makeup, you--"

"I get it." She cut him off as she began to feel creeped out. He always over-analyzed her almost every single day and it was only her.

"You also forgot to do your assignment."

"I'm not going to ask how you know."

Saiga sighed, "But you have your speech, right?"

She nodded hesitantly, "I do, but is there anyone listening in?"

He gazed around the room, "I turned off all technology in here. The walls don't have ears at the moment, but you must hurry before someone finds out."

[Name] squirmed in her shoes as she clutched onto her tablet. She was worried about Shinya, which was one of the reasons why she had put off this assignment a thousand times already. It wasn't because of her date, though maybe it was a slight reason; it was because she knew the many qualities of Kougami, some of which she was afraid to shed light on. She didn't want to ruin anything for him.

"Kougami Shinya, a 16-year-old male, future detective," she muttered. She came off as timid, a trait she wasn't fond of, so with a big intake of air, she continued the introduction of her project with more confidence. She recited the most basic parts of the speech like his physical appearance and what they show about him, his family, his aspirations, likes, and dislikes. The more she recited, the more she became nervous of what was to come.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now