Chapter 15

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 {5 Years Later}

Entering the employee lounge, [Name] scanned the room in an attempt to find her Enforcers. After returning from a long (and paid) vacation, she was ready to jump right into work. The first step was finding her Enforcers, but hardly anybody occupied the area much less her trainee Enforcer Kagari. Although the kid annoyed her to a certain degree, she missed his satirical comments.

She exhaled loudly and turned on her heel to leave, though a wall of 200lbs of muscle blocked her way. "Whoa there," Sasayama laughed when she let out a quiet yelp. He stepped back to give her space but noticed that she carried a rather heavy bag. "What's the bag for?"

She sent him a wry smile. "Well, Kagari always acts like a brat when he's bored, so I brought him my brother's old portable game system to shut him up."

"Well, aren't you thoughtful?"

"Hey, it IS pretty generous of me!" she retorted.

Sasayama chuckled as he began taking out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. The young woman pouted as she watched him stick one in his mouth. "What's the long face for, Princess?"

"You've gotten Shinya hooked on that," she grumbled, "now our apartment smells like smoke all the time."

"But doesn't it give him that manly attribute?"

She crossed her arms. "He has so many manly attributes already, and he doesn't need another one. End of discussion." 

"Exactly what kind of discussion is this?" a male voice questioned. They both turned to see Shinya standing a few feet away with a perplexed expression. His cheeks harbored a light pink hue after hearing his girlfriend speak highly of his male assets. 

"Well, shit. He caught us," Sasayama laughed obnoxiously.

She just rolled her eyes in response as she traveled over to Shinya's side. "Hey."

"Hey," came his husky reply.

"We haven't seen each other in a few days, no?" She grabbed his arm, "You better be coming home tonight."

Sasayama didn't hold back his usual wolf-whistle. It garnered the attention of the rest of their coworkers, whom all either smiled at the couple or sighed with distaste. Everyone in the bureau knew of their relationship even though the two had kept it to themselves for five years already. Neither of them flaunted it around the workplace, mainly because Gino deemed it unprofessional. Plus, the both of them weren't the type to engage in such public affections.

Having the whole room see their intimate moment enraged the female, and it was up to Shinya to clean up the mess. He gently held her shoulder, halting her attention on Sasayama. "I'll see you home, [Name]. I promise."

Her anger towards the smug Enforcer vanished, and she smiled brightly at Shinya, "Perfect!" She pressed her lips against his cheek and waved goodbye to the two. She didn't bother staying around to endure more of Sasayama's incessant teasing, leaving Shinya vulnerable to the man's antics.

She sped towards the elevator and used it to get to Division 2's office. Once inside the office, she spotted Kagari's spiked orange locks and raced over to where he sat. "Good morning," she sang as she beamed the heavy bag into his face.

The boy cursed in pain as he cradled his face. "WH-What the hell was that for?" He would have yelled, but Aoyanagi's scowl made him curb his outburst. Feeling the weight of the bag on his lap, his eyes slid down to see the contents spilled everywhere. "Games?"

"I got these when I visited my little brother. I think they're the perfect outlet for your boredom," she explained proudly. "I even got you the most entertaining games to keep you occupied for a very long time. They have so many levels, and you can restart the game over and over to--"

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now