Chapter 6

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He wished that she kept her mouth shut, that she had had no confidence, that she wasn't infatuated by his closest friend. Kougami would never detest Ginoza even during this situation; it wasn't like Ginoza went out of his way to take [Name] from under his nose, nor had any intention to do so. She just so happened to prefer the more stable looking type of man, a man who seemed able to provide a secure lifestyle. Something in her past must have triggered such a preference, but those thoughts were for another time.

"Are you ill," Ginoza quirked his eyebrow at the blushing girl. After making a comment on her pristine appearance (she usually appeared slobbish from being late so much), [Name]'s face drowned in all pigments of red which sparked Ginoza's slight concern.

"If I were, I wouldn't be allowed in school," she glanced away, hiding her face behind her palm.

It was evident to both their friends, Kougami and Luna, what was happening, but one was supportive about it while the other was slightly against it all. Luna, much to Kougami's dismay, was an avid supporter of [Name]'s endeavors, and whenever she saw an opportunity to get those two alone, she did so in a heartbeat. If Kougami didn't at least participate, he would get a scolding and a lecture on friendship by the girl, and he never felt true terror until his firsthand encounter with Luna's wrath.

"I'm worried... Nobuchika, can you take [Name] to the infirmary to see if she's okay? Kougami and I have to go do something for homeroom," Luna asked in a polite manner as she stood from her seat, pulling Kougami up with her, "it might be a while so don't wait for us and get your lunch."

[Name] looked up at the two of them with a look that begged them not to go anywhere. Ginoza, on the other hand, seemed more confused as to what was going on. "She said she's fine."

"Please? She looks slightly feverish," Luna pushed as she began to back away from the two with Kougami a few steps behind her.

Ginoza adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he let out a long sigh. "Fine, [Name], let's go."

The girl's jaw dropped at the sudden invitation but took no time in accepting it. Luna winked at her friend before tugging away Kougami in the opposite direction towards the cafeteria, while Ginoza accompanied [Name] to the infirmary.

In a matter of minutes, Kougami and Luna found themselves in the long lunch line of their school. An awkward silence loomed over them until Luna decided to speak up. "Ahhh I'm so jealous that [Name] has people fighting over her," she groaned loudly, "good looking ones at that."

Kougami remained silent, debating whether or not she knew of his feelings. She could be talking about another guy he didn't know about, but the chances were slim. It still confused him since she never showed signs of knowing of his affections for her friend. When he caught sight of Luna's smirk, he felt his stomach drop, "How long have you known?"

Luna craned her neck upwards to gain eye contact with him, "Since the third time you were resistant in helping me. You are her friend, and when you don't want to help her with her love life, it's obvious that it's because you want to be in her love life."

"You based it on assumptions."

"I did, but you shouldn't underestimate my intuition," Luna shook her head, "and even though [Name] doesn't suspect it now, she will find out sooner or later... But it doesn't matter what happens in school. When we're all older, the Sibyl system will take care of who we marry, so it's out of our control."

Kougami nodded, digesting everything she said. There was a moment of silence as the two ordered their meals and traveled to the nearest empty table. As they situated themselves, they noticed [Name] and Ginoza waiting in line for food. They were amicably chatting, though it seemed that Ginoza was pretty annoyed about something. He must have found out that [Name] was completely healthy, and the trip to the infirmary was a waste of time.

His stare lingered on the girl, watching as her expressions would change from admiration to embarrassment. He could see her mouth stutter when she spoke, and her cheeks flush when he spoke. He yearned for those expressions to be directed at him, and for that, he considered himself to be a complete pansy. What the hell did she do to make him feel this way?

She was [Full Name]: the biggest procrastinator, weirdest, kindest, funniest, most analytical, and the most understanding person he had ever met. Saiga had mentioned before to him that she was one of a kind, and coming from him, it meant something. The way she went about her life was against the Sibyl system and was something he amazingly respected.

"Let's stay hidden, so they could eat lunch together," Luna lowered her head in order to be incognito from the oblivious two. She realized Kougami's ogling, causing her to harshly breathe out, "Look, I've known [Name] since elementary and she's not easily swayed. She sticks to her beliefs no matter what... but if her best friend came along, pronouncing his love for her even though she likes somebody else, I'm positive she would consider the possibility of dating him... Granted if she isn't dating anyone."

"Are you suggesting that I go do something about it because I might have a chance?" He was hesitant at the thought.

"You have a 99% chance of her saying yes to the idea of dating, not being your official girlfriend, but dating."

He averted her smug stare, "I...prefer to keep to myself."

"Well, are you a man or something? You expect her to make the first move?" Luna sneered as she crossed her arms. The two heard [Name] and Ginoza situate themselves two tables down from them. They were still in the midst of a conversation, not bothering to notice their friends sitting not far from them.

Kougami had no time to defend his honor as a man from Luna, but he still had time to do something about [Name]. He abruptly stood up, glaring at the blonde's smirk, "I can ask her."

Luna nodded as if she didn't believe those words; however, he began to prove her wrong as he walked off toward [Name]'s direction. He had his back straight and head held high as his eyes zeroed in on the blushing girl. His heart beat rapidly as anticipation racked his system, causing sweat to habituate themselves in his palms. Nervous was an understatement to how he was feeling.

"Ginoza," she called the bespectacled man's name. He wished she would be saying his name in that manner and maybe she will once he asks her out.

He breathed in and out, stabilizing his raging emotions. If his psycho-pass rose before he asked her out, he would definitely be disappointed. With a final step, he stood behind her with his mouth opening to begin his flurry of words, but he couldn't even begin, not when she said those dreaded words.

"I like you! Please go out with me!" the [h/c] girl shouted.

Ginoza dropped his spoon, startled by her random confession. He glanced up at her but noticed Kougami's silhouette behind her. "Kougami."

[Name] flinched and whipped her head around to see him, "O-Oh! Hey there!" She tried to avert her gaze as she quickly changed the subject. "...Do we need to do some final things for our project?"

He could tell that her eyes were begging, hoping that he didn't hear. And he responded with a faint smile, "Yeah, but I forgot I need to tell Luna something."

"Is that so?" she turned her head away in embarrassment. When she heard his footsteps slowly walk away, she gazed up at Ginoza's surprised expression. "Ah, I know it was sudden, but I just had to say it."

He seemed perplexed, not knowing how to respond. At the same time, he looked annoyed which worried her. "You--"

"Please, Ginoza! Just like a trial or something!"

The desperation in her tone broke his will to deny anything, and he couldn't tell if this soft spot was because of his friendship with her or some sort of infatuation. "I suppose I can entertain this," he reluctantly agreed, resulting in her gasping and smiling with joy.


As Kougami heard her cheering, he sat back down in front of Luna. "So, how did it go, Mister 'I can ask her out'?"

"...She already asked Ginoza out."

"Well, damn."

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now