Chapter 1

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The two were an intimidating pair, both exuding an unapproachable aura as they spoke about mature topics that no one had ever heard about. Ever since the first day of high school, they sat together and formed a tight duo that no one wanted to mess with. They both had scowls etched into their expressions, and neither smiled freely. No one went near them, no one wanted to talk to them, and no one bothered to glance at them.

"[Name]," a girl called out as she passed her a sheet of paper. Said female moved towards the direction of where her name was called, knocking down her eraser in process. She watched it bounce and roll down the aisle and towards the dreaded raven-haired duo. When it stopped moving, it laid next to one of their shoes.

"Ah," she sighed as she lifted herself from her chair. Though she could hear the classroom fall silent, she shrugged off their worries and traveled over to the two.

When she arrived, the closest one already had an eraser in his hand, "I haven't seen one of these in a while."

[Name] glanced at him, "I prefer writing than typing on a tablet, so I can remember things." She smiled as she tried to remember his name, though it was a futile attempt.

"An accommodator then?" he chuckled, gazing at her powder white hue. It was pure, too pure for a girl her age.

"Ehh, are you referring to David Klob's model of learning?" she asked, "Are you insinuating that I'm a hands-on type of learner?"

His eyes widened, "Yeah."

She nodded in response, looking down at the book in front of him, "I would be careful with reading about history. It leads to ideals that could very well higher your Psycho Pass, or worse: start a revolution."

He stared at the female, taking in her words. "But if we never read about the past, we will never learn from our mistakes."

She cracked a smile, "Ha! Well if you put it that way, I suppose it's worth the risk then!"

The bell chimed, signaling a lunch break. The girl was quick on her feet and sped out the classroom, not bothering to finish their conversation as she left him silently stunned.

"It looks like someone finally followed your conversation, Kougami," his friend scoffed.

"Gino," he turned to glance at him, a light smile forming on his lips, "are you saying that you can never understand our conversations?"


"My, my," a girl sighed as she played with her food, "that was so scary to watch. I was worried that guy Kougami would punch you."

"Punch me?" [Name] laughed, "don't be silly, Luna!" She took out some hard candies from her pocket and began shredding the plastic paper from one of them. She threw one into her mouth with ease, and as she chewed on it, she moaned with delight at the sweetness of her lunch.

"You can't only eat that for lunch!" Luna reprimanded her.

"I'm not that hungry--"

"H-Hey! Look," Luna pointed over to the front of the massive cafeteria. It was always full of students from all the grades, though usually the upperclassmen would leave the premises for food since they had permission to. However, there were still long lines for the food, and it was hard enough to get tables, causing people to eat their food outside in the patio.

With [Name] never bothering to eat the cafeteria food, she would find a decent spot for her and Luna, right by the window and near the line.

Luna pointed to the line in front of them as there was a fight beginning to form. "That's..rare."

You nodded, agreeing with Luna. If any type of bullying was found, it usually increased the Psycho Pass of anyone who was involved in the ordeal. Now with people worried about their Psycho Passes, there had been a lower rate of such happenings. No one wanted involvement with the police, nor to be thrown into therapy. However, that didn't stop one of the kids to continue such actions.

"Huh? Are you sure you don't have anything to say? I did skip you," the idiot smirked as he continued to kick the kid on the floor.

"Better not to get involved," Luna muttered, returning her gaze at her food, but the sight of her friend made her sigh. "[Name], don't."

She was standing, her fist and teeth clenching at the sight. "How dare he!"


"Luna, someone has to do something."

"There will be help. Be patient," Luna ordered.

Her mouth opened to continue her argument, but there was loud crash that gained everyone's attention. The man named Kougami and his friend were already on it, as they  separated the two. Kogami had gripped the guy's wrist, bending it behind his back, while his friend had kneeled beside the victim.

"What are they doing?" Luna clicked her tongue in annoyance.

[Name] on the other hand wore a large smile, her eyes sparkling with amazement. She was bewildered that those two would swoop in to help, but more so that they weren't afraid of helping. It was as if they were born to be in the Public Safety Bureau, a dream she had thought about.

"Luna, they look like Inspectors!"

"They're wanna-be Inspectors," she retorted, "now sit down before they try to tie you into that ordeal."

She took her advice and sat back down, but as her gaze lingered on the scene, her eyes locked with the man named Kougami. He noticed the excitement brimming from her pupils, and it made him laugh to himself. She surely was amusing.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now