Chapter 20

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The low rumble of her stomach conveyed the entirety of the situation. It had already been more than 24 hours since her disappearance, and within those 24 hours, she's endured hell. No food, no water-- no living necessities. It didn't matter though since she harbored no appetite with the sight of a disembodied Sasayama facing her. She was sure that by now her psycho-pass had been polluted with anxiety, and she would have no way of returning to society.

'I'm so sorry, Shinya,' she thought to herself as the last of her tears rolled down her stained cheeks. 

"I suppose the masterpiece is done," Toma hummed as he tilted his head to the side, eyes colored with boredom. "Does that mean we can start with her next? She's been pretty annoying."

Throughout her time awake, she had been trying to reason with the two. At times, she would skim along the lines of begging for her life, but all that did was bring the two absolute glee. Whenever she felt like her humanity was being corrupted from witnessing such horrors, she would recite quotes from various works of fiction that offered some moral support.

It got to the point that she began to recite the Bible, specifically the Ten Commandments, which garnered some undeserved attention.

"So you are a woman of faith?" Toma sneered.

"I'm a woman of principle," she retorted with an unwavering look on her face.

That earned her a harsh slap on the cheek for speaking out of line, and what it did was light the desire in him to torture her even more.

The silver-haired man merely spectated and participated in short conversations about literature with her; she found him to be her only way to escape through reasoning, but his mind was made of steel. There wasn't an ounce in him that favored the side of life. He probably thought he was doing both of them of service: she won't have to live in this forsaken society, and he would have his entertainment.

"Sasayama's part in our project has been completed," the silverette sighed as they placed their equipment on the table. He didn't bother stating his farewells, strolling out the building without looking back. 

It either meant that he had complete faith in his partner to get the job done... or he wasn't interested in the huge blunder his partner was about to face. Whichever it may be, she prepared herself for what was to come. 

She was prepared to get through this alive.

"So, shall we get started?" Toma smiled eerily as he sauntered over to her with a rusted hacksaw. "I am very interested in your flight or fight theory."

Her heart stammered, sweat accumulating in the palm of her hands and forehead. There were small tremors that shook her body, but she was ready.

"G-Go ahead."


It's been a little over 24 hours since Kougami had last saw [Name], and every second away from her was agonizing. He contemplated on what was happening to her this very second. Was she being tortured? Was she dead? Would he ever see her again? Maybe this was all a prank?

Yeah, right. Having a positive outlook did little for him since he has always been a realist who didn't believe in some optimistic bullshit. He knew something must have happened during her disappearance, and the chances of seeing her alive were slimming.

"It's probably something else," Gino tried to reassure his friend. Due to Kougami's state of mind, it was up to Gino to drive the police car to the crime scene. Merely minutes ago, they received a report over the intercom citing another grizzly murder... but never any details on the murder.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now