Chapter 5

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She was grinning ear to ear, a sight he usually found heartwarming; however, at this particular moment, he felt apprehensive that [Name] wore such a face. Kougami passed his drivers exam but he had expected that. What he didn't expect was that she would be there to see him do it all, and now she stood in the background, eagerly watching him take his picture for the license.

"[Name] why don't you wait outside?" he suggested as he shifted around in his stance.

The excited girl realized that her presence wasn't wanted and let out a long sigh, shaking her head in disbelief. "If you say so." She turned on her heel and dragged her feet outside the building, disappointed that she couldn't see him through the process.

[Name] waited patiently outside, kicking around a stray rock and letting out sigh after sigh. She noted that her excitement made him uncomfortable, even if she meant no harm. An idea formed in her head, screaming for her to write down certain characteristics she discovered about the raven-haired boy. She grabbed her tablet from her bag and began to type down little tidbits that she had discovered.

For one, Kougami didn't know how to react when he was in the spotlight. It showed humility, no sense of pride, and his ability to hyper-analyze everything. "What else, what else," [Name] muttered to herself as she tapped her chin with her index finger. She chuckled to herself, thinking about how unusual her situation was. Here she was, typing up her analysis of a boy she was following without his consent really... Weren't these qualities of a stalker?

"Hey," Kougami surprised her, "sorry for kicking you out. You didn't have to leave--"

"Guilty conscious," she thought out loud as she hastily typed that down, "nice quality."

"Thanks," he hesitantly accepted the compliment.

"You're welcome, and don't worry about it. I was probably embarrassing you," [Name] shrugged. "Now where to?"

"You're still going to follow me?"

"Why not? It's like two friends hanging out afterschool," she explained as she took a small piece of candy from her skirt pocket. Opening the wrapper, she gave him a small smile, "What are you waiting for? Let's get going!"

He scowled at the outcome, not exactly thrilled about her constant observance. "There's going to be a lot of sweaty men where I'm heading to now."

She cracked a smile, "That sounded so weird."

"Your fault for having a dirty mind," he smirked.


[Name] couldn't stop staring. She felt it was but a sin not to worship the masterpiece that was Kougami Shinya, though she believed that the longer she stared, the more of a betrayal it was to her crush. She blamed her slight attraction to athletic men, but ultimately, she found Ginoza's stern look and glasses to be much better.

Her eyes hovered away from Kougami and over to the rest of the gym and its occupants. There were many males of all ages partaking in impressive regimes the gym had to offer. Most were shirtless, and [Name] overheard one of the men stating that Kougami usually preferred to be without a shirt. Her presence surely was a factor to his decision in keeping his clothes on.

Kougami threw his used towel over to her and she instinctively caught it. "Good catch."

She gave a disgusted look as her fingers caught the soaked towel. "That's disgusting. What do you want me to do with this?"

"Wear it on your head."

She clenched her teeth to hold in her laughter, pulling her head down onto her lap as her body quaked from her silent chuckles. She didn't want to be kicked out for rowdiness, and she knew that would happen since the people here seemed to be of the serious type. They weren't here to joke around, and their muscles were the prime example of that fact.

"Athletic, smart, funny," she listed Kougami's features when he finally finished his extreme regimen, "handsome to boot."

He scratched his head in embarrassment. "What's your point?"

"I'm just wondering why you don't have many girls fawning over you," she bluntly asked, accompanying it with a slight blush. It was a direct question that she hadn't thought would escape her lips.

His eyes widened but then he glanced away from her face. "Why are you blushing?"

"It's a weird question."

"It is," he agreed. Her cheeks were still rosy, and it made him wonder if there was something else that was causing such a reaction. "Are you... insinuating that you would be fawning over me?"

It was her time to gawk at a question, and she didn't know how to answer. "G-Get back to your stupid bodybuilding training."

He thought a rejection would be his answer, but he was pleasantly surprised when she avoided the question. Why was he so pleasantly surprised? As he walked away, he took one last glance at her, watching her tuck a [h/c] strand behind her ear and bite her lower lip. She was clearly flustered, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride from it.


"You have a better analysis?" Saiga hummed as he sat in his chair comfortably. His expression screamed that he wasn't too particularly ecstatic to still be in his classroom, granted it was because he had asked [Name] to meet him afterschool to go over the project.

"Kinda," [Name] smiled nervously, "but I can't make a definitive statement yet."

His eyebrows rose with interest. "I hope you elaborate."

"Well, there are some valid points you brought up yesterday, and I never got around to answering them. NO. Wait, let me say that I learned new things about him during the trip. I never knew he was muscular under those clothes, did you know?"

"No, but thank you for that tidbit of knowledge," his tone dripped with sarcasm.

"Haha, that isn't really part of the project...Anyways, I'm learning a lot of things about him that I'm worried about sharing them with you. I'm avoiding specific qualities that might hurt him if they're revealed."

"Now I'm intrigued." Saiga scratched the stubble on his cheeks. "So I suppose you are telling me to wait for the big reveal at the end of the semester?"

"Yes please," [Name] bowed her head. "I feel that what I'm writing needs to be backed up by evidence."

"I'll accept that," he nodded, understanding her predicament. She sighed with relief, thanking him profusely as she readied herself to leave the empty classroom. Before she stepped outside, Saiga added one last thing to her thoughts, "The Sibyl system is very restrictive, is it not?"

She glanced back at him as he wrote down a few points in his notepad. "Should I answer in a politically correct manner?"

Saiga scoffed, "Have I ever told you that you are quite the intelligent person?"

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change," she recited a quote with a smirk.

"Indeed it is," Saiga frowned, "a wise quote from Stephen Hawking."

"It fits the Sibyl system theme," she added as she skipped out the classroom.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now