Chapter 3

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Kougami chuckled to himself as he notes the lateness of the friend in the making, [Name]. Their itinerary for the day was different from yesterday which made their elective the first class of the day. He believed she would be the first one here in order to convince or beg their teacher not to do anything remotely embarrassing to her in front of the class. The other option was that she would skip the first class entirely, though that would definitely result in harsh punishment from the school system.

As the usual chime rung through the hallways, Kougami felt that it might be the latter as she was nowhere to be seen. Saiga also noticed, but it seemed that he wasn't worried at all by the lack of her presence. "Well, it's nice to see you all so early in the morning," he sighed without any sincerity as he took out a notepad and placed it on his desk. "Let's start out with a warmup before my assistant arrives... In your tablets, write five attributes you believe others perceive of you. Once you're done, send it to my email address."

"Professor, what are you going to do with them?" a student asked hesitantly.

"I'll have you stand in front of the class, and I'll read them out loud."

"What's this for?" another student asked.

"You'll see," was the gruff reply. Saiga noticed that there was a frightened air in the classroom as they worried about the judgment of their peers. Their eyes shifted around, checking to see who would be first to start their assignment.

Kougami brushed his fingers through his raven locks, and with his other hand, he touched his tablet to open a blank document. He was used to the stares of his classmates, causing him to shake them off and do the assignment. As he deeply thought about what he might be perceived as, he heard scuffling on the floor behind him.

His gaze drifted over to where the noise was and his eyebrows rose at the sight. [Name] had entered through the back door successfully as she crawled on the tiled floor. It appeared she was more interested in getting into the class unnoticed by the professor rather than her undergarments being exposed from her skirt; it made the corners of his lips tilt upwards. It was a comical scene bestowed before him, and all he could do was watch.

When her eyes met his, she smiled sheepishly while lifting her index finger up to her lips, asking him to keep quiet. It wasn't a problem for him to be silent; it was a matter of whether she could keep her journey over to him quiet, and behold, her travels were ruined. The hand that lifted her torso up while she crawled had slammed into a forgotten pen cap and instilled an intense amount of pain in her system. "SHIIIIT!"

"[Name], welcome to the class."

Kougami scowled as he stared up at his professor. Did he already know that [Name] was going to show up? Did he know she wouldn't ditch the class? Maybe this man could accurately read people with just a look.

"Thanks," she nodded as she slinked her way next to Kougami. She sighed with relief, believing herself to be off the hook, and turned around to greet her partner, "Hey."

He opened his mouth to warn her of their professor's intention to still use her but it was too late. "[Name] I need you in front of the classroom now."

She gaped at Saiga, her frantic [e/c] orbs crying for him to reconsider. He held a cold expression, expecting her to rise from her seat and over to the front. Kougami patted her back, encouraging her to stay strong, and she returned his gaze with a pout.

Unwillingly, she made her way to the front as all of her classmates' piteous stares followed her every move. Saiga gazed at her, making her feel slightly uncomfortable, and he scoffed in response. "Why don't you write five things you believe others see in you?"

It wasn't exactly a question; it was an order. She immediately slid her tablet out of her bag and opened to the home screen to begin typing. It took a few minutes before she finally finished and glanced up to signal the completion of her work. He adjusted his glasses as he left his desk over to her.

"Great, great. Now, I'll say the first five things that come to mind when I first saw you... First, I can tell you're clumsy---"

She scoffed.

"---Second, you're reliable. Third, you're optimistic. Fourth, you're book smart. Fifth, you have a good sense of humor."

She was in awe, "That's everything I wrote." She turned her tablet over to him as she heard the others whisper to each other at what unfolded in front of them.

"No, it has nothing to do with me," the professor said as he took her tablet, "this shows that you can correctly analyze people's reactions involving yourself. You're aware of others."


"Now, let me give you my analysis on your personality with just a look--"

"But I'm not a criminal."

"You're my example."

[Name] gazed over at Kougami, who seemed to be interested in what was happening. She shot him a questioning look to which he returned with a small smile. She breathed out and leaned on the desk, "Well, go ahead."

"You have a mother who doesn't pay much attention to you. You took solace in reading, resulting in your fair share of knowledge in different subjects. Your father hasn't been in your life, probably has something to do with crime or something like that, which allowed you to create a strong sense of optimism to live through the hard times in your life. To show that everything was alright, you began to laugh at your misfortunes and found it relatively uplifting to do so. You have many scars on your fingers and knees which means you have no sense of self-preservation. What matters to you the most is the safety of others around you, rather than yourself."

She froze, her eyes widening and skin paling at every point that came from his mouth. She licked her dry lips, not knowing how to respond or react. The classroom was now silent as they watched her turn from nervous to...almost wraith-like. "[Name], would you like a minute outside?"

No words could roll off her tongue, and Kougami began to stand, worried she might faint from his analysis. Saiga noticed her knees wobble and he scratched his head as he realized he might have aired too much. "Everyone get together with your partners and take out the list of questions that I have sent to all of you. Answer them all and turn them in by the end of the class. Do not let your partner see your answers. By the end of the semester, you should have a detailed report on them which will be 50% of the grade."

Though the class' interest still remained on [Name], they began their assignment in an orderly fashion. She, however, was still in shock until Saiga pulled her away from everyone's line of vision and to a corner of the classroom. "Professor?"

"I do apologize for spouting too much of your personal business."

"Just give me a heads up next time," she forced a laugh, "but that's some amazing skill you have... Hey, do I still have to do the assignment?"

"Your partner doesn't since I already did it for him, but you do," Saiga answered.

"That is just...I have no words for this."

He chuckled while leaving her to her own devices with the assignment. In a soulless fashion, she dragged her feet over to Kougami. "How are you feeling?"

"Disappointed," she grumbled.

"Well, at least you aren't on the spot anymore."

"I suppose," [Name] finally smiled again, "now, let's learn more about you."

He gave her an apprehensive look as if he wasn't excited with what she was going to assume of him. Seeing as how she aced the assignment in front of the whole class, he could tell she was highly analytical. 

And it was only a matter of time until she saw right through him.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now