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Kougami stared up at the clouded sky that was filled with skyscrapers and colorful billboards. Exhaling, he continued his solitary journey deeper into the city where his school was situated; his face harbored a look of boredom and exhaustion, having stayed up far longer than he had anticipated. It translated into heavy steps during his travel to school, and when he made it to the entrance, he was greeted by an annoyed boy. 

"You're almost late again."

"Well, I'm here aren't I, Gino?" Kougami chuckled as he halted. "I would save your worries for her."

Ginoza clicked his tongue and turned on his heel. "I'm tired of reprimanding her."

Though they were missing said girl, they continued towards the classroom without hesitation, seating themselves in the middle of the class. Kougami strategically placed one of his books on the desk beside him to save a seat for the untimely girl. It's been that way throughout their first year of high school-- she would rush into the classroom in an atrocious manner and garner the attention of everyone.

He thought that she would have learned her lesson by now, having endured an overwhelming amount of embarrassing moments. But as the bell rung, signaling the beginning of class, it was clear that she hadn't. Once again she was late, and it caused Ginoza to shake his head in disbelief while Kougami just chuckled.

Only several minutes after the professor had begun class did she arrive via the back door. As much as she tried to be silent (expertly sneaking down the aisle) her efforts proved to be futile due to a pencil that lay mischievously on the floor. Both Kougami and Ginoza watched as she stepped on that forsaken pencil, causing her to slip backwards in a tumultuous fashion as she took down two desks along with her.

The commotion was obnoxious and captured the entire class' attention, including the professor's. "Ahh [Name], how nice of you to join us."

"So very sorry," she laughed nervously as she picked herself up from the ground. She then proceeded to arrange the fallen desks before fixing up her attire. 

The professor nodded his head and resumed class. She thanked her fate that the professor was laidback about matters such as these... Though she was also one of the top students of the school which allowed some things to be overlooked.

"Nice going..." Ginoza commented once she made it to their row. She's too much in a rush to reply to his biting comment and merely waved at them both before seating herself beside Ginoza. 

She didn't notice that Kougami had already reserved a seat for her. 

But the boy had already expected that sort of oblivious behavior. After all, she was Gino's girlfriend, not his.

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now