Chapter 7

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Their expressions were the opposite to each other: [Name] wore this bashful smile while Gino seemed as if he could not care any less. "I can't tell if they're together or not," Luna whispered in Kougami's ear as the four of them sat together in homeroom.

Kougami harshly exhaled as he ignored her comment, taking down notes during the professor's lecture. The newly formed couple had yet to tell them as to what transpired during their time away, but Kougami and Luna both knew. He was bottling his emotions, not letting them get the better of him and corrupt his iris' hue. He convinced himself that he had better things to worry about which didn't include her and Gino. Just let them be happy.

The blaring sound of the school bell disrupted his focus, and when he turned to glance at [Name], a pout was forming on her lips as she watched Gino walk away. Sighing, her gaze returned to the tablet in front of her and she finished up the remainder of her work. She didn't realize that Luna had also left and so did the rest of the class until it was only the two of them.

"Is there a particular reason you aren't leaving?" Kougami asked after a certain amount of time.

She glanced up from her tablet, eyes widening in realization. "I was waiting for you to leave," she innocently answered, "Why aren't you leaving?"

"...I was waiting for you to leave too."

A smile replaced her pout, "Ha, what a coincidence!" she exclaimed as she slipped out of her chair. "I'll walk with you then." She stashed the tablet in her bag and slung it over her shoulder. 

He chuckled at the sudden change in emotions and followed her out the classroom, watching her amicably converse with him as if nothing happened. Whenever there was a mention of Ginoza, a pink hue burned on her cheeks. Again, desire bubbled in his gut, wanting it to be only his name that created that reaction.

"Can you believe that this tedious project will be all over next week?" she sighed as she walked beside him on the sidewalk.

"It should be a weight off your shoulders."

"Of course! Saiga is a tyrant!" she agreed with enthusiasm as she swung her arms in the air. "But it sucks that we can't hang out after school anymore."

"Why can't we?" Kougami's eyebrows rose as he turned to catch her saddened expression. "I thought you said we were friends, and friends don't need an excuse to see each other."

She let out an airy chuckle, a happiness restored within her. "I thought it was a one-sided friendship, but it's good to know you feel the same way."

He honestly didn't feel the exact same way. He felt he needed something much more than just a friendship with her, but at the moment this sort of relationship sufficed. "What do you want to do today?"

"Hmm, well, I've never seen where you live. You always just drop me off at home," she thought out loud as she tapped her finger repeatedly on her chin.

"I never entered your house either."

"Eh, I don't think you would want to. It's just empty and depressing." She waved his suggestion away with a guarded expression. After months of research, he realized that there were some touchy subjects she didn't enjoy sharing, especially when it came to her mother. To his knowledge, her mother was a normal middle-aged woman with an average psycho pass and cared deeply for her daughter; however, she preferred to work and not think about her family. She was too afraid to be involved with others since that was how her husband became a latent criminal.


The two students turned their heads over their shoulders. "Oh, mother."

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now