Chapter 18

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There wasn't a bone within her body that wanted to knock on the door. None whatsoever. Though as fate would have it, she had to knock on this door in particular. 

With a collected face, she hit the door precisely three times, each a little weaker than the previous knock. She could hear someone scuffle around and head for the door, greeting her with a confused yet dull expression.

"Ah, what a surprise."

"Don't give me that crap, Saiga," the young woman mumbled as she allowed herself inside his house.

The amused professor followed her inside the house, closing the door behind him. "Well, I am genuinely surprised by the visit... Would you like tea or coffee?"


As he traveled into the kitchen to prepare them tea, she hurried to the living room and made herself comfortable. Once there was tea in her hand, she heaved out a sigh, her entire body brimming with reluctance.

"I need you to look at this case." She handed him her tablet.

Saiga raised his eyebrows with interest and read the information on the tablet. He took his time digesting everything line by line. "What do you want me to say? You guys didn't recover much evidence."

"But there has to be a pattern," she replied soundly. "I was hoping you could help decipher it."

"Don't you have Kougami for that?"

"I don't need Shinya for everything," she grumbled. Taking a sip of her tea, she directed her stare at the steaming cup. "Plus, he's been trying to be more... domestic."

Saiga's eyes widened, becoming more interested in Kougami's recent behavior than the case in front of him. "How so?"

She wasn't amused by the change in topic but relented. "He doesn't work overtime anymore. If a case bothers him, he leaves it for the next day. He's always home for dinner and spends every night at home instead of the office. He still talks about the case with me to get ideas, but he appears to be... detaching himself from his job."

To hear that his pupil has been domesticated made Saiga chuckle. "Say it isn't so. Don't tell me he's actually attempting to be a good husband to you?"

"We aren't married."

"Then it's only a matter of time," he smirked. "You should have caught that by now."

"Caught what?"

"He's been trying to show you that he isn't some no-good lover, that he's capable of being something more than just an Inspector and a terrible boyfriend."

Her cheeks flushed at the thought of it. "You're taking pleasure in watching our lives pan out. Why don't go off and have a life of your own? Stop being a hermit here."

Saiga ignored her comments as he returned his attention on the tablet. He hummed to himself while re-reading the information again. "I can say with certainty that this work wasn't done by a single person--"

'So he's not going to talk about his private life? What an ass...' she thought to herself.

"-- and it has to be someone who wants to disturb the peace. Each location was meant for a public display, it was meant for people to see. They wanted to catalyze a reaction and fool around with the MWPSB."

"They're doing a wonderful job at that," she sighed.

Saiga furrowed his eyebrows. "The pattern in people is where it gets tricky. The two people who have died, a politician and an immigrant... It is difficult to find a pattern if I don't have more information on the culprit. All I could tell is that the victims aren't random."

◇Fighting Fate◇ : Kougami Shinya x [Reader] : Psycho PassWhere stories live. Discover now