Your New Patient, Tyler Seguin

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I'm late, I'm late, I can't believe I am late for a meeting with the Chief of Medicine Glenn Wallace. I had my whole day timed out perfectly but then I got stuck with one of my regular patients. I couldn't help it. He's 9 years old and practically lives in this hospital. I'm the only one who can make him smile and even my usual tricks weren't doing it today so I stayed longer and talked to him. I knew I had this meeting. I thought I would be able to squeeze in a few extra minutes. I was wrong and now I'm late.

I am a nurse at Baylor University Medical Center. For the past 5 years I have worked in the children's hospital and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love kids and I love being able to care for kids. I was lucky enough to be assigned here and I don't plan on leaving. I am a little nervous about this meeting with Chief Wallace. He never said what it was going to be about. I know I'm not in trouble. I don't do anything to get myself into trouble. The only thing I have ever done against the rules is be late to this meeting and it just could not be helped.

I make my way down the hallway to Chief Wallace's office and knock on the door. "Come in!" I hear a muffled voice from inside. I slowly open the door and poke my head inside. "Amy, you're here, fantastic. Come in and have a seat."

"I'm sorry I'm late," I say as I walk into the room and sit on the chair in front of his desk. I notice there are 4 stacks of papers lined up in front of him on his desk and I start to get nervous. Am I being fired?

"He looks at the clock and back at me. Only five minutes. I would hardly call that late," he replies as he takes one of the stacks of papers in his hands, stands it up, and hits it on the desk a few times before placing it in front of me. "This is a confidentiality agreement." I just look at him, waiting for an explanation. "We have a very special patient here that needs some special care. I've chosen you, Erica, Orlando, and Rodney as the only four nurses who will be taking care of this patient. You four nurses are the only ones who will know about this patient. Now I know this is going to be a little change from what you're used to in the children's hospital but I chose you because you're the best."

I sigh. I am not happy about this one bit but I know better than to talk back to the Chief of Medicine. "If I may ask, what is so special about this patient?"

"The organization that this particular patient works for and the people who work for him want to keep his medical condition quiet for as long as possible," he explains, "I chose the four of you because you are all my best nurses and I know I can trust you to be discreet. You will each work in 12 hour shifts. Two nurses one day and two the next and so on and so forth." He picks up a folder and places it in front of me. "This is his chart. Get yourself familiar with it. Go over the confidentiality agreement and get it back to me by the end of the day. Your new assignment starts Monday next week. This is not optional. Have a good day."

I stand up and pick up my packet and the folder from the desk. Have a good day my ass. I don't want to get moved from the children's hospital. I like it there. I love my patients and I don't want to be someone's special nurse. It sounds like whoever this is will probably be a piece of work. Why else would everything be so secretive? Not just anyone can come into a hospital and demand these kind of things from the staff working there. I walk out of Chief Wallace's office and head down the hallway. I take the elevator back up to the children's hospital and I sit in an empty room so I can go over the paperwork. Today is Friday and I have off on Sunday so tomorrow will be my last day working in the children's hospital for who knows how long. I feel like crying but I won't. This is just a part of life in the hospital.

I open the patient's file first and as soon as I see the name at the top I almost drop everything in my hands. Tyler Seguin. That says Tyler Seguin. Is it the same Tyler Seguin I know from the Dallas Stars or is it someone with the same name? I look at the date of birth, same date of birth. I read on. Patient has C7 and C8 injury along with T1-T5. Paralysis of the hips, thighs, legs, and feet. I take a deep breath. What happened to him? I read on. It looks like he got into a bad car accident. Now I can understand why everything is so hush hush about this. I don't think anyone even knows he's hurt. After I look through Tyler's medical chart I start to look through the confidentiality agreement. I feel like I should have a lawyer here with me to make sure this is all well and good. I read it through a few times before signing it just to make sure I understand what it entails.

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