Breaking More Rules

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It's another day of work. I don't know how I'm going to get through this day. I hardly slept last night. I don't really know why but I just couldn't fall asleep. I feel like once I got to sleep my alarm went off to wake me up. There is an accident somewhere on the tollway and it has traffic all backed up. This is not helping my mood. "God damn Dallas traffic!" I finally make it to the hospital and I park in the deck. I look at the clock. "Shit I'm late."

Unknown number : where are you?

Amy : who is this?

Unknown number : Tyler

Amy : oh hey, I got stuck in traffic. On my way in.

Tyler : hurry

Amy : ew, pushy

I make my way inside and put my things down in my locker. I walk over to the nurse's station where Orlando is waiting for me. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic is a bitch."

"It's ok. He's sleeping." I can't help but laugh. "What's funny?"

"Nothing. I'll see you in a few days." Orlando hands me Tyler's chart and I walk into the room. He's still pretending to sleep. He shaved. "Can you believe this guy I know? He can sleep and text at the same time." He opens his eyes and sits up. "Good morning, sunshine."

"Yeah that guy must be multi talented."

"You shaved."

"You threatened me. I had to."

"Withholding kisses is not threatening."

"It is to me. Speaking of kisses..."

"Oh you want one right now?"

"Of course I do."

I walk over to him and I sit next to him on the bed. I put my hand on the back of his head and kiss him. I run my other hand along the side of his face and down under his chin. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip and then the top and I open my mouth to let it in. He runs his tongue along mine. I run my fingers through his hair as we kiss deeper. I position myself over him and sit down on his lap straddling him. He runs his hands down my back and grabs onto my ass. I grab the sides of his face as we continue to kiss more passionately. He puts his hands under my scrub top and runs his hands up the skin on my back. I start to kiss his neck. He lets go of me and puts his hands to his sides. "Are you ok?" I ask as I get off of him and out of the bed.

"Sorry. It's just that usually that would turn me on and I didn't feel anything. I guess I'm not used to that yet," he explains.

"I shouldn't have gone that far anyway."

"Don't feel that way. I love making out with you. I just know how it's supposed to feel and I want to feel it so badly. I feel like less of a man because I can't satisfy you and honestly I want to feel that too."

"I want to experience that too but I understood the situation going into this and I still want to be with you. We will figure it out at some point."

"It still sucks but we'll get through this." He hangs his head.

"Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?"

"I really need to get out of this room, you know, get outside."

"If I can get you out of that bed and into a wheelchair I'll take you outside."


"Yeah. You'll have to wear my hoodie to hide your face but you've been in this hospital for a month you deserve to go outside. I'll be right back." I walk out of his room and find an open wheelchair. I go over to the nurse's locker room and grab my hoodie. I hope this works. If we get caught I am so fired. It's not right to keep him cooped up in his room like he has been, though. I walk back into Tyler's room with the wheelchair and park it next to his bed. I hope I'm going to be able to get him into the chair. I've never tried lifting him.

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