I miss talking to you

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My alarm goes off in the morning and it feels like I got no sleep at all. I don't know how I feel about going into work today. I'll feel better being close to him but it's not going to be the same. I won't be able to talk to him, to see how he's doing, to see if the surgery actually worked. He's alive, that's what's important. I just hope I can keep my emotions in check while I'm at the hospital. It's going to be rough seeing him sedated. It's all a part of the job, though.

Once I get to the hospital I head up to the ICU where Tyler is going to be for the next few days. Orlando is at the nurse's station waiting for me. He smiles as I make my way over to him. He hands me Tyler's chart. "It's going to be a long shift," he says.

"Yeah. Have a good night."

"Are you going to be ok?" he asks.

"Of course."

He pats me on the back and walks away. I take a deep breath and walk into Tyler's room. I walk over to his bed. I push his hair back from his forehead and kiss it. "Just going to take your vitals," I say, "You know, the usual." I take his vitals and note them in his chart. "This reminds me of your first few weeks here when you wouldn't talk to me." I sit down in the chair next to his bed after hanging the chart from the end of the bed. "I guess I'm going to just sit here all day and talk to you and hope you can hear me." I sit forward on the chair and rest my elbows on my knees. "I was so worried about you yesterday. Still am." I shake my head at myself. "This is silly. I feel stupid sitting here talking to you. I miss you. I wish you could talk back. The Stars have a game tonight and you're not going to be awake to watch it with me." I look over at him resting. He does look peaceful. I wish there was a way for them to know right this second if the surgery did anything. It's killing me not knowing. "I think Marshall and Cash can sense something is up. They don't leave my side. I wish I could have talked to you before the surgery. I would have asked how it went with your mom. I hope she's ok."

For the rest of my shift I don't leave Tyler's room. I don't want him out of my sight while I'm here. I take his vitals when I need to but otherwise my time is spent either talking to him or just watching him sleep. I watch the Stars game and wish Tyler was awake to watch with me. We both get so into the games. It's no fun without him but I watch anyway. Jamie scores 2 goals and the Stars win the game. I tell Tyler that Jamie scored some goals for him. I'm sure he's cringing on the inside as I say Jamie's name. If he can even hear me. After the game is over I turn the TV off and pull my chair closer to his bed. I put my hand on top his and rub the skin on his hand with my thumb. I look at him hoping he would just wake up and smile at me but I know that's not happening. I lift his hand up and kiss it before putting it down on the bed.

I stand up and kiss him on the forehead. "I miss talking to you, Tyler, so you have to get better soon," I say before leaving for the night. I open the door to leave, stop and turn around. He looks like he's peaceful but there's no telling how he's really doing until he wakes up. Waiting for an answer is probably going to kill me. I wish I could stay here with him all night. I'd stay up all night and watch to make sure he's still breathing. I don't care. "I love you, Tyler." I close the door behind me and leave for the night.

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