He Actually Spoke

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I grab Tyler's chart on the way into his room and start my routine. Heartbeat, blood pressure, temperature. "So I had a fun morning. My car wouldn't start so I had to get my neighbor to jump it. My creepy neighbor that I know watches me and my friends when we're in the pool. So that was enjoyable." I scribble his vitals down onto the chart. "Now I get to spend all night here with you chatting it up. Well I hope you had a great morning. I'll see you in a few hours."

I start to walk towards the door when I hit my hand on the end of the bed and the chart falls to the floor and the papers scatter. "Mother fucking shit cunt of a monkey!" I yell as I start to gather up the papers. After I get the papers picked up I stand up and look at Tyler and he's looking at me. We make eye contact. For the first time in three weeks we make eye contact. He quickly looks away. "Umm, sorry about that. I usually don't talk that way in front of patients...or ever." No response. "Well I have to go put this in order. I'll see you in a little while." I walk out of the room feeling incredibly embarrassed but accomplished as well. He looked at me, even if it was just for a second, he looked at me. That's something.

It's another day. Another fun day at Baylor University Medical Center. Another day of all the silence and isolation a person can handle in a 12 hour period of time. I'm in a bad mood today so I'm actually not looking forward to coming to work. I need to be out at a bar drinking my sorrows away instead of talking to the brick wall that is Tyler Seguin. I park my car and walk into the hospital. Usually I stop and talk to mostly everyone I come across but today I am not in the mood so I keep my head down and walk to the nurse's locker room to put my stuff away.

I stand outside Tyler's door and take a deep breath. I'm not up for this today. I'm really not. I grab his chart and walk in the room. I immediately start taking his vitals. Heartbeat, blood pressure, temperature. I jot down the information in his chart. "Did your car start ok?" he asks.

I drop the chart from being surprised. "Dammit," I mumble as I bend down to pick it up. Did he just speak to me? I just stare at him. He's looking at me and he spoke to me.

"Sorry about that."

"It's ok. The car's fine. Thanks."

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. You just took me by surprise. Wasn't expecting you to talk," I explain.

"Yeah but I was expecting you to talk," he replies.

"Oh, right, sorry. Don't worry about it. It's nothing. I shouldn't have let it affect my work. I apologize." I pause. "It's nice to hear your voice, by the way."

"I've kind of just been lost in my thoughts a lot since I've been in here," he says.

"You don't have to explain yourself."

"Thank you for being so understanding."

"You're welcome. Is there anything you need?"

"No I'm good. Thank you."

"Let me know if you need anything. I'll see you in a little while."

I walk out of the room and to the nurse's station to make sure the chart is in the correct order. Did that really just happen? Did he actually speak to me? Did we actually have a conversation? It took three weeks. Three weeks and he's finally opened up. I hope this isn't just a one time thing. It was so nice for him to actually say something. I feel like I'm not just some invisible thing checking his heartbeat every few hours. After I get the chart back in order I walk over to the door to put it back in the holder. I open the door and peek my head inside and he looks up. "Still talking?" I ask.

He smiles. "Yeah."

"Ok good. Just checking." I close the door. So I wasn't imagining it. That really happened. I can't believe it.

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