Did you just say you felt that?

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It's been a busy couple of weeks for both Tyler and me. He's been busy learning how to manage living at home and out of the hospital on his own and I have been getting the house ready for him to come home. His chair arrived yesterday, a week late. I was starting to panic that it got lost and we wouldn't be able to have another one shipped in time but it's here and set up and ready for him. This isn't the way we thought he was going to be coming home but I am just happy that we will finally get to be together. I've been so anxious about him coming home that I haven't been sleeping very much lately. All of that will change tomorrow.

I'm probably going to be late to work. I got a late start on getting ready and now I'm behind. I'll be lucky if I don't hit traffic on the way to the hospital. It's my last day of being Tyler's nurse and I'm going to be late. Just perfect. I make it to the parking garage with a few minutes to spare but I'm never going to make it in time. There are 3 cars in front of me and they're taking forever to figure out the machine. "Take the ticket and go, it's not that hard!" I shout in frustration. I finally get my ticket and drive to my usual parking spot and park.

I rush into the hospital and drop my things off at my locker. I'm about 15 minutes late. Not bad considering I thought it was going to take a lot longer. When I walk over to the nurse's station Orlando is standing there waiting for me. "I'm so sorry I'm late," I say.

"I don't mind but he's impatient. I think I liked him better when he wasn't talking," Orlando replies.

"Well you won't have to deal with him any more. What's next for you?"

"It's back to trauma for me. You probably wish I was going to children's with you."

"I know that's not your cup of tea."

He hands me Tyler's chart. "You should probably get in there." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "I'll see you around."

I walk into Tyler's room and he is sitting in his bed with his arms crossed over his chest. "It's about time you got here."

I shake my head. "I'm not that late." I walk to the end of his bed. "Everything is set up at home."

"Is that why you were late?"

"I was running late, geez, I haven't been sleeping that well."

"Oh looks like someone is grumpy today. No joking with you."

"Sorry. I've just been stressed out." I sneeze and cover my mouth with my arm. I lose my grip on the chart and it falls to the floor. "Just fucking great." I lean my hand on his foot while I bend down to pick up the chart.

"Why are your hands so cold?" he asks.

I quickly stand up, leaving the contents of the chart on the floor. "Did you just say you felt that?"

"Uh, yeah I think I did. Touch me again." I put my hand on his foot. "I can. I can feel that."

"Are you serious?" I ask as tears start to well up in my eyes.

He starts to wiggle his toes. "Look I can wiggle my toes."

I wrap my hands around his shins. "Can you feel this?"

He shakes his head no. "No. Just my feet.'

"I have to get the doctor," I say as I start to walk away.

"Wait." He grabs my hand and I turn around. "I want to enjoy this with you first."

"I just can't believe it." I begin to cry. I can't contain my emotions anymore. It's a major breakthrough that he can feel and move his toes. This could mean there is more to come.

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