Sneaking out of the hospital

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It's been a week since Tyler regained movement below his neck and nothing has changed since then. The swelling from the surgery has gone down and the doctors are beginning to think that this is going to be it, he's not going to get any better. Upper management from the Stars have been in and out of Tyler's room along with his agent. I have been trying to listen in on conversations but everyone is being really secretive about what's going on. I haven't been able to get in to see Tyler since my shift started and I'm beginning to get anxious.

Everyone leaves Tyler's room and there is a strange buzz about the hospital. I can tell something is going on. I just don't know what. Nobody quite knows what's going on, just that something is about to happen. Once they make their way down the hallway I am finally able to go in to see Tyler. Hopefully he will have some answers for me. As soon as I walk in the room I can tell something is wrong. He doesn't smile when he sees me. He looks sad. He looks defeated. He looks broken.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"This is it. They're saying it's not going to change. I'm going to be here a week or two more to learn how to live on my own like this. I feel like crying."

I walk over to the side of the bed and hug him. I put my hand on the back of his head and he rests his head on my chest. "It's ok to cry." I sit down on the bed with him and he rests his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around his back and hold him close.

He hangs his head. "I really thought this would work."

"I know. I'm so sorry, Tyler."

"I'll never be my old self again. Are you ok with this?"

"I fell in love with you this way. Of course I am. You're stuck with me for life." He smiles.

"Yeah but you knew who I was."

"It's true I knew who you were but I didn't know you as a person. At least you'll get to go home soon," I say, trying to find the bright side of things.

"They're going to make an announcement today. Everyone is going to know. They're going to go to Frisco, tell the team, then come back here and hold a press conference. I need to call my mom. I have to tell her before they announce it."

"I'll give you some privacy and you call me when you want me back."

"You don't have to go. You just got here. After they announce it we probably won't have any private moments together anymore so might as well enjoy this while we can."

"They'll probably send me back to the children's hospital soon."

"I don't even want to think about that right now." He takes his phone out and just stares at it. After a good 30 seconds or so he looks up at me. "I don't think I can do this."

"You have to tell her. It's going to be ok."

It takes him a few minutes but he finally calls his mom. This is going to be the first time since the accident he's actually going to be able to sit down and really tell her about what's been going on. He was able to talk to her before his surgery but he didn't get much time. Now he has all the time in the world. By the tone in his voice I can tell that she's upset and he's trying to calm her down. Reassure her he's going to be just fine. It's funny. I have to do that with him a lot of the time. The more he talks about it, the more emotional he gets. I want to give him privacy but I want to be there for him as well. I rub my hand up and down his back while he continues to explain to his mom what to expect, what he's been going through, what he's going to continue to go through.

I wish there was something I could do to make it better. If it were possible I'd switch spots with him in a heartbeat. I know he wouldn't want me to but I'd do it anyway. It sounds like he's making plans for her to come down here and see him and he's starting to wrap up the call. "I'll see you soon, mom. I can't wait. I also can't wait to introduce you to the girl I think I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. She has taken great care of me and she loves me." He looks at me and smiles. I'm freaking out inside. Did he really just say that? "I'll tell you all about it when you get here. I'll see you soon. Love you. Bye." He ends the call and looks over at me. "Are you ok? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

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