Are you still attracted to me?

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Yesterday was Tyler's first day of rehab and I'm anxious to get to work to see how it went. I thought that when I gave him my phone number he would have texted me to tell me how it went but he didn't. I practically speed to work and park in the first spot I see. I get out of the car and walk as fast as I can to get started with my day. I even wore my new scrubs. They're victory green just for Tyler. Orlando sees me and hands me Tyler's chart. "He's not in a good mood, just a warning," Orlando says.

"Did he say something?" I ask.

"Not to me but I heard him getting pretty loud with the doctors," he explains.

"Great," I reply, "thanks for the heads up."

I tuck Tyler's chart under my arm and walk into his room. He looks up at me. "So how was rehab? You didn't text me."

"I wasn't in much of a mood to text," he mumbles.

"I know the first day is rough. It'll get better."

"How could you possibly know?"

I sigh. "So what happened?"

"So who's this guy you're seeing?" he asks, ignoring my question.

"What? Where did you hear that?"

"These male nurses were talking and one of them said he asked you out and you said you were seeing someone. What the fuck?" I laugh. "I don't find that funny."

"Tyler, I was talking about you when I said that."

His eyes go wide. "Really?"

"Yeah, you idiot."

I sit down next to him on the edge of the bed and he hugs me. "I was so mad at you."

"I gave you my phone number. You could have asked instead of being mad for a day and yelling at doctors."

"Oh you heard about that?"

"I know all."

"Just the thought of you seeing someone else made me so angry."

"Did you throw a pillow?" I tease.

"No. Shut up."

"Are you going to tell me about rehab?"

He sighs and leans his head on my shoulder. "That was the most helpless I've ever felt in my life."

"The first few days are going to feel like that but it'll gradually get better. You're never going to love it but it will help."

"I know. It just sucks not being able to do anything on my own."

"I wish I was here for you."

"Me too but at least you're here with me now."

"I have to take your vitals." I stand up and take his vitals and jot them down in his chart. "I'm going to go put this way. I'll be right back." I start walking towards the door and stop and turn around. "For the record you haven't officially asked me to be your girlfriend."

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"A little romance would be nice once in a while."

"Amy, sweetheart, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I exclaim, "I'll be right back." As I go to turn my leg locks up on me and I fall to the ground. "Fuck!"

"Oh, Amy!" he calls out as he peeks over the end of the bed. I roll over and sit up on the floor. "Are you ok? What happened?"

I get myself together and stand up. I walk over to the chair next to his bed and sit down. "If I show you something will you promise the way you feel about me won't change?"

Hello, Nurse : Tyler Seguin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now