I'd be so lost without you

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In the morning I wake up to Tyler lightly shaking me. "Amy, are you up?" he asks.

I groan as I turn on my side to face him. "Up now," I sleepily say as I struggle to open my eyes.

"I, uh, I need help," he bashfully says.

I sit up. "Are you ok?" I ask, concerned.

"I guess I'm a little weak this morning. I tried to walk to the chair myself but I need your help getting out of bed and I really have to pee," he explains. His muscles aren't built up and not used to holding his weight up so until he gets stronger he's going to need help getting around. This is part of the reason why I took off from work. I want to be here for him the first few weeks of his recovery. It's important for his morale. I've been there with him this whole way and it's only right that I'm here with him for a while until he gets used to being at home and on his own and not in the hospital.

I put my prosthetic on before getting up out of bed and walk around to his side. He holds onto my shoulders and stands up. He holds onto me as we take a few steps towards where his chair is and he sits down. "Will you need me to help you get back in the chair?" I ask as he wheels himself towards the bathroom.

"I'll let you know."

I lie back down in the bed and wait for him to come back out. I grab my phone from the nightstand and read Twitter for a bit. The Stars are supposed to make an announcement today on an update on Tyler's condition. Nobody knows that he is up and walking again let alone out of the hospital. I know he called family and a few close friends yesterday and let them know but when it comes to the fans and the general public, they don't know. Today also starts the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. It's killing Tyler that he isn't out there helping his team but I know he's happy for them. We haven't talked about it too much because I know it gets him a little frustrated that he can't be out there with them.

Tyler doesn't call me in to help him so I assume everything is ok. I hear him start to wheel himself out of the bathroom and back over to the bed. He sets up the chair right next to the bed and pulls himself back into bed and next to me. I put my phone down and lean over and kiss him. "I could get used to waking up to you next to me," I say, "Just not waking me up."

He laughs. "Sorry, I really had to go. I waited as long as I could."

"Nothing on Twitter yet about your announcement. I'm surprised they didn't want you to be there to answer questions."

"I think they saw what a disaster it was the last time. I'd rather not anyway."

"I don't blame you."

He grabs his phone from his nightstand and starts typing away. It's so good to see him have his freedom. They didn't want him to have his phone in the hospital but of course he did to talk to me and Jamie occasionally. It's a relief to not have secrets anymore. "I want to go to the game tonight," he says, not looking away from his phone.

"You just got out of the hospital. Do you really think that's a good idea?" I ask.

"I want to support my team. I'm feeling better."

"Says the guy who needed help getting out of bed to pee," I retort.

He looks at me and smirks. "I'll just have Jamie bring me."

I roll my eyes. "I'll take you, you big baby."

"Good, because I already told them I was going to be coming. They're going to have some kids come to my suite and we're going to watch the game with them."

"Oh that's really cool. Are you sure you're going to be up for it? It's going to be the first time you'll be out in public since this whole thing."

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