There were complications

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After only a few hours of sleep I wake up. I can barely keep my eyes open. I didn't get enough sleep but there's no way I am going to be able to fall asleep now. Tyler should be going into surgery any minute now and he will be under for at least a few hours. Every part of me wants to go to the hospital and be with him but I know I can't. I just have to sit here all day and wait. I take my phone out to text AnnMarie. I feel like I'm losing it over here and I need to find my sanity.

Amy : I think I'm going to die of a heart attack

AnnMarie : Why? what's going on?

Amy : Tyler's surgery is today and I'm not there

AnnMarie: When does he get out? Can you call anyone and see how he's doing?

Amy : It probably won't be for another hour or so before he gets out.

AnnMarie: The wait would be killing me too. I hope all goes well.

Amy : I've been trying to think positively. That's all he wants me to do.

AnnMarie: Are the odds of this working good?

Amy : Not at all. The risks are higher than the rewards.

AnnMarie: Oh, I understand why you're upset now. I can come over there if you need me.

Amy : yeah maybe.

AnnMarie: I will tell my boss I have to leave. Be there in a bit.

I wait with the dogs in the living room for AnnMarie to get to the house. I'm so happy I told her about this. I couldn't imagine going through this with no one to talk to. I already feel like I'm going crazy, I'd feel 100 times worse. AnnMarie walks through the door and Marshall and Cash run over to her to greet her. I keep checking for a text from Rodney but I never get one. Erica doesn't know to let me know. I'm going to have to call her. I wish I didn't have to, I don't know her that well.

"Maybe I should call Erica," I say, "How do I call without sounding like I care too much?"

"Just ask if there is any update on your patient. She should understand." she responds.

I take my phone out of my pocket and call the nurse's station. Erica answers. "Hey, Erica, it's Amy. How's he doing?"

"He's still in surgery. It's taking longer than they expected," she explains.

"Wh-what? He's still in surgery? Wow."

"Yeah. From what I'm hearing is that there were some complications so it's going to be a while."

"Um, ok, thanks. I'll try back later if I have time." I'm trying to keep it together but I'm quickly starting to unravel. I hang up the phone and drop it on the coffee table and begin to cry uncontrollably. Tears are rolling down my cheeks and I can barely catch my breath. This time I really think I am having a panic attack. I stand up and run outside into the backyard. I need air. Complications, what kind of complications? The surgery is risky enough without complications.

AnnMarie comes out into the backyard and joins me. "Are you ok?"

I try to catch my breath but I can't. I just keep breathing in. "I can't breathe," I say.

"What's going on?" she questions.

"He's still in surgery. She said there were complications. I need to be there."

"Oh Amy, I'm so sorry. When will they know more?" she asks. "It would probably be best to stay here though, you'll get even more worked up there."

"I can't lose him. I just can't lose him."

"You won't lose him, they are just being careful. He will be fine."

"I can't handle this." I run inside to Tyler's bedroom. I close the door behind me and climb into bed. I lie down and hug onto a pillow while I cry. I'm so worried about him that I want to jump out of my skin. I feel like the walls are closing in on me, like there's not enough room in the world for me to be. I'm scared, scared for him, scared I'm going to lose him. All I want is for him to be right here next to me telling me everything is going to be ok.

After I finally calm down I lie in bed staring at the ceiling. I close my eyes and fall asleep. I am awoken by a knock at the door. I sit up and straighten my hair a bit. AnnMarie opens the door and walks over to me. She has my phone in her hand. She holds it out towards me. "It's the hospital," she says.

I take the phone and put it to my ear. I clear my throat. "Hello?"

"Hey, Amy, it's Erica. I just thought you should know he's out of surgery."

"How did it go?" I ask, trying not to sound overly concerned. Nobody can find out about us. I'm trying my best to not give it away.

"He is sleeping comfortably but will be sedated for a while for pain management," she explains.

"Thanks for letting me know. I'll be in tomorrow." We hang up and I put the phone down on the bed.

"Is everything ok?" AnnMarie asks.

"He's sedated so we probably won't know much for a few days at least. Probably longer depending on the complications. It's going to be weird going in tomorrow and not having him there smiling back at me."

"Atleast he is ok. He will know you're there, just talk to him."

"I probably won't leave the hospital this time."

"You have to come home and take care of the dogs."

"I'll bring them with me. I wonder if we're ever going to be a normal couple."

"Normal in what sense?"

"I guess I mean I'm tired of hiding it. I want to go on a date. See him outside of the hospital. All the normal boyfriend/girlfriend things."

"Once the team announces everything I'm sure things will get better. You guys can be together and not hide it and sneak around."

"I guess we have to get through this first."

"Yes that's true."

"I'm so tired."

"Do you want me to go and let you get some sleep? You've had a rough day."

"Yeah. I need to get some sleep before work tomorrow."

"Alrighty I will talk to you tomorrow." She looks down at the dogs, "see you guys tomorrow too!"

"Thanks for stopping by. I wouldn't have been able to make it through the day alone."

"Not a problem. I am here anytime you need me." She walks out the door and to her car.

It's still a little bit early and I haven't eaten anything today but honestly I'm not hungry at all. I just want to sleep. I walk downstairs to let the dogs out one last time before I go to bed. Once we get out into the backyard I watch as Marshall and Cash run around the yard. I let them run around for 15 minutes before calling them back inside. We walk back to Tyler's bedroom and get back into the bed. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

Hello, Nurse : Tyler Seguin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now