Meeting the family

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Today is one of those nerve wracking but exciting days. I just picked Tyler up from physical therapy and now we're on our way to the airport to pick up his mom and sisters. They're coming down to spend the week here with Tyler and this is going to be the first time I am meeting them. I'm a little terrified. I've never been good at meeting boyfriend's parents and it's so much more stressful because it's Tyler. I know they're protective of him, I don't blame them really. Not everyone you come across has pure intentions and the way our relationship came to be is unconventional. Most people think we rushed into things by moving in together but it's what is right for us. This is going to be the first time they're seeing him since the accident. There are still so many unanswered questions he is going to have to answer. He's excited to see them, though, and that makes me excited.

Tyler is getting around a little better these days. It's been a little over a month since he's been home. He still has his chair but he barely uses it. He is close to being able to say goodbye to it for good and giving it to Veronica. He's looking forward to that day not because he will no longer need the chair but he can't wait to see the look on her face when he shows up to give it to her. He talks about it almost every day. The physical therapist suggested Tyler start walking around with a cane but he refuses. I have given up trying to reason with him. He feels as if he would look old and weak and I keep trying to tell him that all it will look like is improvement. He gets stronger and stronger each day and that's all we can ask for.

Tyler gets in the car and leans over and gives me a kiss. "Sorry to keep you waiting. We all got to talking," he says as he puts his seatbelt on.

"I'm used to it. No worries," I reply as I begin to back out of the spot. Tyler is a big hit at physical therapy. Everyone he comes across wants to know his story and how he's doing and he loves talking to them about it. The days I pick him up I am usually left waiting in the car but I don't mind. I'm happy he has a good time. I hated physical therapy when I had to go but Tyler could make anything fun and entertaining.

"You nervous?" he asks with his eyebrows raised as he looks at me.

"Yeah," I timidly reply with a nod.

"Don't be. They're going to love you. My mom already does."

"I'm sure it will be fine. I just want to make a good first impression."

"Just be yourself and everything will be ok."

"The only way I know how to be," I say with a smile as I look at him.

He puts his hand on the back of my neck and gently squeezes a few times. "That's my girl."

We arrive at the airport and I spot Jackie and the girls waiting for us. I pull up to them and park the car. I pop the trunk and get out to help them put their bags in. I walk over to Jackie with a genuine smile on my face. I really am happy to be meeting her. We've only spoken a few times on the phone but I already know she's an amazing woman. Tyler speaks so highly of her all of the time so it feels like we've already met. "It's so nice to finally meet you," she says as she pulls me in for a hug.

"You too," I say as I hug her back.

She lets go. "These are my girls Candace and Cassidy," she says as she points each one of them out.

I sheepishly wave. "Hi, nice to meet you." They each reply back with their own "nice to meet you's" and I help put the luggage in the trunk before they pile into the back seat. I get into the driver's seat and put my seatbelt back on. "I hope there's enough room back there."

"We're good, Amy, thank you," Jackie replies.

Tyler looks back at them. "Isn't she the best?" I feel myself blushing.

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