Jamie Visits Tyler

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It's been a week since Tyler woke up from his surgery and couldn't feel anything below his neck. It's been a rough, depressing, frustrating, agonizing week. It didn't seem like he was ever going to get better even though the scans kept suggesting he was slowly getting better. The swelling just started going down. Tyler's starting to lose hope and patience. There's not much I can do for him. I try to be supportive but it's hard. I feel like I've been distant and I don't mean to be but he keeps looking to me for answers that I can't give him.

I get to work and put my things in my locker. Tyler's going to make fun of me. I'm wearing 101 Dalmatian scrubs today. I haven't had time to do laundry. Work has been so stressful that I sleep most of my days off. I walk over to the nurse's station and say hello to my coworkers. Part of me doesn't want to go into Tyler's room right away but I know he needs me. Orlando walks over to me and hands me his chart. "He's not as grumpy today."

"Well that's one of us."

He looks down at me and back up and laughs. "Yeah I guess I would be grumpy too if I had to wear those."

"Shut up. I didn't have anything else to wear."

"You look cute, really."

"Ugh. Goodbye, Orlando."

I open the door to Tyler's room and step inside. Tyler's sitting up in bed looking out the window. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey, nice scrubs."

"Thanks, I know you don't mean that."

"Oh come on, they're adorable."

"It's good to see that you're feeling well enough to sit up today," I say as I walk over to the side of his bed. I lean down to give him a kiss. To my surprise he wraps his arms around my waist. I look at him, stunned. "You can move your arms!"

He smiles. "Yeah, it happened late last night. I'm back to where I was but I'll take it."

"That's great. I'll be right back. I need to go yell at someone."

I start making my way to the door. "I told him not to say anything," Tyler calls out as I leave.

I spot Orlando walking down the hallway and I chase after him. I smack his arm once I catch up to him. "You didn't tell me he got better, you shit."

"He made me promise not to tell you. He wanted it to be a surprise."

"I liked it better when he wasn't talking to you. At least then you guys couldn't conspire against me."

"Just get back there and enjoy the fact he can move his arms again."

"Oh my god, Orlando, shush. I don't even want to know what else he's told you."

He laughs. "You know, just guy stuff."

"I'm going to kill the both of you."

"Don't blame him. I had to pry it out of him."

"You're both going to get me fired, you know that right?"

"Your secret's safe with me."

I shake my head. "Goodnight, Orlando." I walk back into Tyler's room and over to the side of the bed. "Been a little chatty with Orlando I hear."

"I didn't have a choice. My girlfriend kinda shut down on me for a week."

"I was here."

"Not mentally. I don't blame you. I was..."

"Not pleasant."

"I was going to say an asshole but yeah that works too."

"It's been a stressful few weeks but I wouldn't call you an asshole."

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