My First Day

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As I pull into the the parking deck for my first shift as a super secret agent nurse I consider just turning around and going back home. I don't know if I can do this. If Saturday was a preview of what I am going to be dealing with from now on I don't know if I am going to be able to handle it. I spent my entire day off yesterday watching videos of him on YouTube and it got me pretty upset to know that he is no longer that person. What if he'll never be that person again?

I park my car and make my way into the hospital. I drop my things off in the nurse's locker room and make my way to Tyler's room. I spot Orlando at the nurse's station and walk over to him. "Hey, so how was he?" I ask.

"The guy didn't say one word to me. He barely talks to the doctors," he explains, "it's not like I didn't try because I did but he just stares. I don't even think he looked at me once."

"Yeah I came in here the other day to introduce myself and he did the same thing. Maybe he'll come around."

He scoffs. "Yeah, good luck with that. Who knows, maybe he's the kind of guy who just keeps to himself."

"No he usually isn't. He's just devastated."

"How do you know?" he asks, confused.

"I just know who he is and this isn't who he is."

He looks down at his watch. "Well I am officially out of here. Have fun with that tonight," he says as he pats me on the back.

"Yeah, thanks," I reply.

I walk over to Tyler's room and grab his chart before heading in. When I walk inside he's staring at the window. He doesn't look in my direction, even when the door closes behind me. "Hi, Tyler, I'm Amy. I introduced myself the other day." I wait for a response but he says nothing and continues to look out the window. "Ok, I'll be your nurse for the next 12 hours so don't hesitate to call if you need anything from me. I'll be in here every few hours to check on you." Still no response. The silence is deafening. "Do you want me to turn the TV or radio on?" Nothing. "I'm going to turn on the radio and if you don't want it on you can turn it off. I just feel like you need something on in here." I turn on the radio that is next to his bed. I look at him for a minute or so just to see if he will turn to even look at me. He doesn't. "I'll just be right out there if you need anything." I hang my head and make my way out of the room.

It's been an hour since I started my shift and he hasn't called for me yet. I can see these 12 hour days feeling like 48 hour days if he's going to keep being like this. It's time for me to check his vitals and mark his chart, part of me doesn't even want to go back in there. It's so awkward with him not saying anything or even looking at me. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. I grab his chart on the way in and tuck it under my arm. I open the door and close it behind me.

The music is still on at least so that's something. "I'm just going to check your vitals. Blood pressure, heartbeat, temperature, all that fun stuff," I say as I walk over to the bed. I put my stethoscope in my ears. I take the end and rub it on my thigh to get it warm. "I warmed it up for you so it's not cold on your chest." No response. I pull the collar of his gown to the side and check his heartbeat. I mark it down in the chart. I look up at him from the chart with a smile. "Well that's a good sign. We do have a heart beat," I joke, trying to lighten the mood, trying to get any reaction out of him at all. He doesn't even look at me. I take his blood pressure and his temperature and mark it down. "Is there anything you need from me?" No response. "I'll see you in a few hours then." I hang his chart on the end of the bed and walk out of the room.

I sit down at the nurse's station and rest my head in my hands. Am I really going to be able to handle doing this every day? The more he ignores me, the more frustrated I get and I know it's not his fault. It can't be easy going through what he's going through. It's just that when I talk to people I'm used to getting some kind of response. I have to spend 12 hours a day with him. That's a long time to be ignored. He's my only patient so it's not like I can go to someone else and have a conversation. I miss my kids. Their faces used to light up when I would walk in their rooms. He doesn't even want me in there.

The rest of my shift goes just as the first few hours went. I'd go in, try to talk to him, get no response, leave. By the time my shift is over and I'm getting ready to go home I am frustrated, tired, upset, and just really not sure if this is something I want to be doing. Before I leave I let Rodney know what's going on but he doesn't really seem to care. He's just here to do the job. Maybe that's it. Maybe I care too much. Maybe I'm not cut out for this. I'm definitely out of my element. Everything in this part of the hospital is different than what I'm used to. I guess I need some time to adjust just as Tyler does.

I feel myself getting pretty emotional as I drive home. I don't know what's coming over me. I park my car and walk inside. I plop down on the couch as soon as I walk in the door. I can't even make it to the bedroom. I lie down across my couch on my back. I grab one of the throw pillows and hug it against my chest. A single tear falls out of my eye and rolls down the side of my face. I close my eyes and immediately fall asleep.

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