Tyler Comes Home For Good

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I should not have stayed up all night last night. It wasn't planned. I was all set to go to bed when Jamie, Jordie, and Jason showed up and wanted to hang out. Of course Jamie didn't call before just showing up. He didn't even ring the doorbell. I was sitting on the couch with the dogs watching TV and then all of a sudden there they were. I was in my pajamas. It was a little embarrassing. We wound up staying up all night playing pool and it was a good time. I finally got rid of them an hour ago, around 7am. I finally was able to go to sleep when my phone started ringing. I was going to ignore it but it's Tyler. I have to answer.

"Hello?" I am barely able to get the words out. My eyes aren't even open. I'm half awake. I can't even fake that he didn't wake me up.

"Hey, sorry I woke you but you need to come to the hospital."

"I hate when you say it like that. It always sounds like something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. You have to come to rehab with me."

"But, Tyler, I'm sleepy," I whine.

"I need you here. I'm going to do it today. I can feel it."

I rub my eyes and slowly sit up. "Ok, I'll be there in a little while." I sit on the edge of the bed trying to wake up. "Just so you know, I just fell asleep."

"I'm more important than sleep."

"I'm going to have to sneak in the hospital somehow. Luckily those rehab guys don't know I work there."

"Bring me a change of clothes. I'm coming home."

"Yeah, ok, I'll bring you some clothes. Anything else you need, dear?"

"Bring the chair. We'll need the chair." He sounds so excited. I feel bad. I can't be happy for him. I'm barely alive.

"Anything else you'd like to add?"

"You better leave that attitude at home."

"Sorry. I will."

"Just hurry up and get here," he says jokingly.

"You're so pushy," I reply as I finally stand up from the bed.

He chuckles. "See you soon. Love you."

"Yeah. I love you too."

We hang up and I put my phone down on the bed and stand in the middle of the room trying to figure out what I'm going to do first. I start off by picking out some clothes for him to come home in. I have no idea what he wants to wear so I just pick out some jeans and a plain black t-shirt. It's simple and easy. I grab a duffel bag from his closet and put the clothes I've picked out in it and place it down on the bed. I should shower. Maybe the water hitting my face will wake me up a bit. I know I don't have much time so it's going to have to be a pretty quick shower.

After I take my shower and get dressed I grab the duffel bag with Tyler's clothes in it and bring it out to my car. I walk back inside and over to where I have Tyler's chair. I haven't folded it up yet but from what I read in the instructions it should be pretty easy. I really hope it's easy because I'm barely functioning as it is. I don't think I can handle being frustrated by trying to get the chair into my car. I wheel the chair out to where I'm parked and pop my trunk open. I take a deep breath before I begin to fold it up. Luckily the chair is pretty foolproof and I easily get it folded up and into my trunk.

It probably wasn't a good idea to drive while being this tired. I honestly don't know how I got to the hospital. There's a few minutes where I really zoned out. It's a scary feeling and not the first time I've driven while being this tired. I know it's dangerous but I made it here safe, thankfully. I park in the parking deck and start making my way to where Tyler has his rehab. When I walk in the room he's alone and sitting down in a wheelchair. I smile as soon as I see him and walk over to him. "Oh my god, you look so tired," he says as I lean down to hug him.

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