The Stars Win The Stanley Cup

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It hasn't been an easy Stanley Cup finals for the Stars. They started off a few games down and came back to force a game 7. All of the guys keep saying Tyler is their good luck charm. They wouldn't have made it without him being there supporting them. I know it's been hard on him to have to watch from the stands but his teammates really have been trying hard to make him feel included. He is important to them even when he isn't playing. He has been in the locker room before and after every game talking to each of them about different things he has observed. I really believe it has helped them.

Tyler is in the locker room right now as I stand out in the hallway and wait for him. This has been my usual routine throughout the playoffs. I've gotten used to it. Even the players have gotten used to me being there. I make sure to say good luck to each of them as they walk through the doors and they seem to appreciate it. Jamie walks over to me before going into the locker room and gives me a hug. That's our usual greeting lately. We've become pretty close friends thanks to Tyler. "You got this tonight," I say.

"Yeah," he replies.

"We will be in the suite cheering you on."

He smiles. "I'll see you on the ice afterwards."

I smile back. "You got it."

Tyler walks out of the locker room. "Oh there you are," he says to Jamie.

"We were just finishing up," Jamie replies.

Tyler walks over to me and puts his arm around me. "You ready for this?" he asks.

Jamie shakes his head yes. "Yeah. I have a good feeling."

"Me too. Just wish I was out there with you guys."

"We do too." Jamie opens the locker room door. "I'll score one for you."

Tyler laughs. "Ok, sounds good." Jamie smiles before walking into the locker room and the door closes behind him. Tyler kisses my forehead. "We have the suite all to ourselves tonight."

We begin walking towards the elevators. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. I wanted it to be special for game 7. Just the two of us."

The elevator doors open and we step on. Tyler presses the button for the floor the suites are on. "That's so sweet," I say as I put my arms around him.

"I honestly don't know what kind of company I am going to be. I have mixed emotions," he says, sounding a little down. I know how hard this has been on him and he's been in high spirits for the most part. He has his sad moments, which is to be expected. I wish there was something I could do or say to make him feel better but all he wants to do is be out there helping his team.

"I know. I'm here for you no matter what." He squeezes me tightly.

The elevator doors open and we step off to walk to the suite. We are escorted to the suite by security. Tyler wishes they would just let him walk there on his own but they have amped up security for the playoffs and they don't want him walking around alone. We walk into the suite and sit down in the seats. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean my head against his. I'm thankful we get to watch this game by ourselves. It's like we're on a date.

"I know I've said this so many times already but I have to say it again. You are incredibly sexy in my jersey," he says into my ear.

"I never get tired of hearing it," I reply as I lean into him. He kisses my ear. "Hey, none of that."

"I'm stopping."

"It's electric in here tonight," I say as we look around the arena. The seats are quickly filling up.

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