I Like You

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My day off yesterday started out stressful. I couldn't stop worrying about Tyler. It took just about all of the willpower I had not to stop by the hospital to see if he was ok. Originally my plans were to just try to catch up on some sleep but my friend, Kenny, asked me if I wanted to go to the Stars game with him and I couldn't say no. It felt weird not having Tyler out on the ice with the team. I mean, I'm so used to him being at the hospital but this is the first Stars game I've been to after his accident. I feel a little guilty. Usually we watch the games together but it's not like I was going to be at the hospital with him anyway. I had a good time with Kenny, though, it got work off of my mind for the night.

I got back home a little late from the game so I didn't get much sleep last night. Work should be interesting. I can't fall asleep in Tyler's room again. That can't become something I get used to. I have to wear my least favorite scrubs today because I haven't done laundry yet. They're a bright blue color with all different colored balloons all over it. I don't even know why I bought these but they're always the last scrubs I wear before laundry. I need to get myself some regular, plain scrubs since I won't be working with the kids anymore. I put them on and look in the mirror. I always forget just how hideous these scrubs look.

I get to the hospital and drop my things off in the locker room. I walk to Tyler's door and read his chart before going into the room. It looks like his temperature has gone back down. I am thankful to see that. Orlando walks over to me. "He was sleeping all day today so I didn't get a chance to sponge him. Maybe you can get to it later."

"Yeah I'll see how he feels. Any luck in getting him to talk?" I have to at least keep up with the charade that he doesn't speak to me.

"Nope, nothing. Maybe the accident messed him up more than they think."

"Yeah. Maybe."

"I'm heading home. I'll see ya."

"Yeah. See ya."

I tuck the chart under my arm and walk into Tyler's room. He's still pretending to be asleep. "I know you're not sleeping," I say as I walk towards his bed. He doesn't open his eyes. Maybe he really is sleeping. I rub my hand up and down his arm. "Tyler."

He slowly opens his eyes. Once he sees me he smiles. "Hey!" he exclaims. He looks me up and down and starts hysterically laughing. "What are you wearing?"

"It's not funny, Tyler, these are the only scrubs I have left."

"Why do you own those? They're terrible," he says, still laughing.

"I used to work in a children's hospital, remember, they like stuff like this," I explain. He takes another look at me and starts cracking up again. "I'm leaving."

"No, no, no, I'll stop laughing I promise," he says as he grabs my hand to stop me from leaving.

"So you missed your spongebath. All of that pretending to sleep wore you out huh?" I tease.

"I guess so."

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Much better now."

"It would look a little suspicious if I gave you your sponge bath the moment I get in. I'm just going to take your vitals for now." I begin my usual routine. Heart beat, temperature, blood pressure. "Is there anything you need?"

"Just you."

I can feel myself blushing. "Anything besides me?"

He shakes his head no. "No, just you." I hang his chart on the end of his bed and sit down on the chair next to his bed. I know he's going to insist I sit down anyway. "So how was your day off?"

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