Marshall and Cash Visit

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When I finally wake up I check my phone to make sure Tyler texted me all of the information I need for today. I got his house key from his personal belongings before I left last night. I felt like I was trying to rob a bank going in there and leaving there undetected. Thankfully there's not many people that work in the hospital in the middle of the night so nobody saw me. Tyler sent me the kennel information and his address so I should be all set. Is it weird that I'm a little nervous? What if the dogs don't like me? By the time I get to the hospital it's going to be Erica's shift which is going to be awkward, I don't really know her all that well. I don't even think Tyler talks to her at all so this should be interesting.

After I take a shower I stand in my room trying to figure out what to wear. This is going to be the first time Tyler sees me in something other than scrubs. I want to look good for him. I decide to go with black skinny jeans and a tank top, which is my usual day off outfit. I pack up a bunch of my clothes and stuff them in a suitcase. I'll figure out the rest another time. I'll just bring enough clothes to get me through a few days at Tyler's house. I put my suitcase in my trunk and make my way to the kennel to pick up Marshall and Cash.

I get to the kennel with no problem. Thank goodness for GPS. I give them my name and ID and they bring the boys out to me. "Hey guys!" I say excitedly, "are you ready to see daddy? He really can't wait to see you." They both jump up on me and I almost fall over. I pet them on their heads and backs and they settle down. "I hope you guys are going to fit in my car." I walk them out to my car and I open the door to the back seat. They jump in. Ok this is going pretty well. They don't even care that a stranger is taking them away.

I get to the hospital and park in my usual spot in the parking garage. Marshall and Cash are curiously looking out the windows to see where we are. I get out of the car and open one of the doors to let them out. I grab ahold of their leashes and they jump out of the car. I close the door behind them and start making my way into the hospital. Everyone's heads turn as I walk past them. I just continue to look ahead and not pay any attention to their stares. I know Chief Wallace said to be discreet but it's hard to do that with two labs who want to say hello to everyone. I get to Tyler's floor and walk over to the nurse's station. Erica is sitting at the desk at the computer. "I'm just going to bring them in there to him," I say, "these are Tyler's dogs."

"Yeah go right in," Erica replies, "he just got back from rehab."

I open the door and Cash takes off into the room. I let go of his leash before he pulls my arm off. He jumps right into the bed with Tyler and starts licking his face. Tyler is smiling and laughing and rubbing Cash's back. It almost makes me cry. Marshall and I walk into the room and I close the door behind us. I let go of Marshall's leash and he walks over to the bed and stands up on his hind legs to see Tyler. Tyler pets his head and kisses his nose. "Hey boys, daddy missed you so much," he says in his puppy voice. He's so cute with his dogs. It makes me love him even more. Cash starts to settle down and lies down next to Tyler in the bed. He rests his head in Tyler's lap. Marshall jumps in the bed and lies down on the other side of Tyler. He looks up at me with a huge smile on his face. "This is just what I needed. Thank you so much. They didn't give you any trouble did they?"

"They were perfect."

He looks down at them and pets their heads. "I wish they could always stay with me."

"I know, me too. Too bad they're not service dogs. Do you want me to leave them here with you for a little while and come back?"

"I think you know the answer to that question."

"I'll stay." I walk around the bed towards the chair I usually sit in.

"You're not going to even give me a kiss?" he whines. I lean down and give him a quick kiss on the lips. I can't risk anyone walking in and seeing us. "Let me get a good look at you. I've never seen you without your scrubs before." I take a step back and spin around. "Looking sexy."

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