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AN: In advance I would like to apologize for such a long wait for an upload.  This is a rough draft of this chapter but please comment and let me know what you think so I can either improve it or keep it the way it is.  Please enjoy and don't forget to read the AN at the end of the chapter.

Silence is a funny thing. Everyone wants silence because they associate it with being peaceful. However, silence with tension suffocating everyone in a room was anything but peaceful.

Dylan was sitting closer than comfort with his hand on my knee while Jayden had his arm around my waist.  Personal space was out of the question by this point.  Zac had gone to take care of Lily since Jennifer had to leave.  When he walked back into the living room to see the three of us cramped on his small couch he didn't hold back on laughing.

"So, Lily is down for the night.  Kylie, can I talk to you for a moment?"  As I stood up to walk with Zac both Jayden and Dylan stood with me.  "Alone, I would like to talk to Kylie alone."  Then I was released.  I went to follow Zac and didn't look back at the boys, not wanting to watch them stare each other down again.

"Thanks Zac."  He smiled and we kept walking until we reached Lily's room. There she was.  Sleeping peacefully in her crib, holding onto her favorite bunny stuffed animal.  Zac sat down on the recliner and I decided to stand and lean on the crib, I had enough of sitting for a while.

"I need help Ky.  Nikki isn't letting up on this whole custody thing."  Stress was getting to him.  He rubbed his hand over his face and let out a loud breath.  I walked over to him and stood behind him and rested my head on his.

"Zac, you're doing your best.  It will all work out in the end okay?"  He seemed to relax a bit and placed his hand on mine.

"Thanks Ky."  There was a soft knock from the door and we both looked up to see Dylan standing in the doorway. 

"Kylie bear I was going to head home.  Coming?"  It seemed like that was the moment.  I could have just said good bye to Zac and left with Dylan but standing behind him with a pained expression was Jayden.

"Actually Tiger I was going to see if Jayden could take me home."  I stared past Dylan and when Jayden met my eyes he smiled. 

"okay..."  He did a small goodbye to everyone and walked out.  It was the right choice, I think.  Jayden was my boyfriend, Dylan was my best friend.  He would understand why I had to go with Jayden.  It was the right thing to do.

Jayden and I both said goodbye to Zac and Lily then walked out to his car.  Before I could open the passenger side door Jayden had wrapped his arms around me and crushed me to his chest.  I could feel his emotions.  Anger and relief.  I raised my eyes to meet his and his lips landed fast on mine.

When we finally took the time to breath the smile on his face was far from hidden.  He opened the passenger door and I climbed in.

Jayden got into the drivers seat and turned on the car, letting the engine roar.  As he pulled away he locked the doors.  Maybe he was one of those people that just liked having his doors locked when he drove.

“Kylie do you have your phone?”  I grabbed my bag and looked through it, grabbed my phone out, and handed it to him.  He rolled down his window and threw it out.

“What the hell Jayden?”  What would cause him to do that.  He smiled, a cynical smile.  Something wasn't right and I could feel a knot form in both my stomach and throat.

“Kylie… I’m not a fan of sharing things and now you are no exception.  From the first time I laid eyes on you.”  Confusion was the only thing on my mind.  What was he trying to say?  He took a sharp turn right causing my head to hit the window, my pain seemed to make him smile. 

“You seem puzzled darling.  Let me break it down for you.  You’re mine.”  He placed his hand on my knee and squeezed it, a little too tight for comfort.  Everything seemed to be a blur.  We were no longer on the road to my house but on a dirt road that looked like it never ended.

“Jayden, what the hell is going on?  Turn around and take me home.”  My demands and question only made him angry.  His knuckles were turning white.

“You don’t get it do you!  You’re not going back.  You’re mine Kylie!!!”  He was yelling now.  He stepped on the brakes hard causing me to lurch forward and hit my head on the dashboard.   He reached over me to the glove compartment.  Inside he grabbed what looked like a first aid kit.


“SHUT UP KYLIE!”  He put the car into drive and sped down the never ending dirt road.  With one hand on the wheel he used the other to open the first aid kit.  There were no band aids or nail clippers in it but a large epipen looking needle and a few vials of clear liquid.

I didn’t want to set him off so I kept my mouth shut.  I darted my eyes to the locks first but they were gone.  I turned to look at Jayden, he turned the same time and stared me straight in the eyes.  His usual striking grey eyes were no longer beautiful but scary.

He smiled and brought his hand up to my face.  I flinched and that only brought joy to him as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. 

“My dearest angel everything will be okay.”  He smiled one more time before grabbing the needle and sticking me with it in the leg.

I didn’t make a sound, the affect was quick.  In no time my limbs were to heavy for me to even lift.  I tried to speak but my words only came out slurred and jumbled.  Before my vision began to be blurry I looked out the window.  We were surrounded by trees.

Then it all went black.

AN:  Thank you for reading this chapter.  I know it was a bit choppy but I will try to fix it as much as possible.  How do you guys feel about Jayden now?  Interesting?  What about Nikki and Zac?  How do you think Dylan feels?  Please let me know in a comment.

Please VOTE too.

QUOTE:“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”

― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

SONG: Back to Black - Beyonce and Andre 3000

Side picture is just a little eye candy for everyone.  I love HENRY CAVILL

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