Does anyone know?

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Picture on the side is Kylie's parents (Mark and Anna) (Kate Beckinsale and Hugh Jackman) >>>

Chapter 4

"I don't understand any of this!" I screamed as I slammed my book closed and crossed my arms across my chest. Dylan looked up from his homework and gave me a little smile before coming closer to me. He pulled the chair closer to me and pushed the book farther.

"Why don't we take a break and go eat or something because I am starving" By the sound of Dylan's stomach rumbling I found that to be my queue to get us something to snack on. I got up from my seat and walked over to the kitchen with Dylan right on my tracks.

I grabbed two bottles of vitamin water a threw one to Dylan as he walked in and sat at the kitchen bar. I grabbed a bag of Pretzels then sat on the stool next to him. He seemed to be distant for a moment but then came back. He looked me in the eyes and then bit his lip.

"alright what's wrong Tiger?" I asked him when a worried look took over his handsome features. He turned the stool so he was facing me and looking me straight in the eyes. He placed his hands on my thighs sending shivers up my arms but I just ignored them and turned to face him.

"I know this might sound weird but will you wear my number to the game tomorrow?" He lowered his gaze a little when I didn't respond right away. I wasn't sure how to respond. "Normally the players girlfriends wear their boyfriends jerseys but I was wondering if you would wear mine... you know since I don't have a girlfriend and all." I made him fidget a little bit before I answered.

"Tiger.... I would love to wear your number" His face brightened as his eyes came back to mine. A large smile took over his face showing off his dimples as he wrapped me up in a bear hug. "Alright I would like to breathe"

"I'm sorry" He let go off me but still had a little grip on me. I heard the front door open and I knew my parents were home from the store. I could hear my mom giggle as she and my dad walked into the kitchen. I spun around in my chair and greeted my parents. Dylan and I stood up to help my parents put away the groceries.

"What's for dinner mom?" I asked as I put away thee last of the groceries.

"Lasagna and Dylan will you be staying for dinner?" Dylan nodded his head positively.

"I would be stupid to miss out on your lasagna" After putting away all of the groceries Dylan ran home to shower and change and then come over later when dinner was ready. We spent the whole dinner laughing and throwing jokes at each other. In the middle of dinner I found myself thinking that I was truly a lucky girl.


"I totally aced that" That big exam I was stress out over last night was super easy. Well actually that could be good and bad. Normally whenever I think a test was really easy I normally end up failing but this test I felt good about.

"I'm happy for you I mean you were seriously stressing out last night" He gave me a little smile and then slung his arm over my shoulder as we walked to lunch. Walking towards the cafeteria I noticed Zac talking on his phone with a sort of sad and disappointed look.

"Hey, I'll meet you inside alright. I'm going to go check on Zac" I looked up at Dylan as I gave him a reassuring wink as I walked towards Zac. I got to Zac as he hung up his phone and put on a fake grin and faced me.

"Hey Zac, you okay?" I asked as I put my arm around his waist and comforted him. He responded by putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm fine Ky"

"You excited to play tonight?" I asked trying to cheer him up. It seemed to only make him go deeper into thought as he inhaled deeply.

"I'm actually about to head over to coach and let him know I can't play" I looked up at him with a confused look and he grinned going on to explain. "I forgot that last week I told my parents that they should go out and have a good time and they left today leaving me without a babysitter. Plus, I don't want to bother Jayden, he already helps out a lot with Lily." He let go of me and closed his locker shut hooking the lock on and closing it as he started to walk away. I called him back.

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