Its Not That Easy

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Forewarning:  There will be point of view shifts through out the chapter.


Kylie.  My Kylie bear was in that cabin and I was glued to my seat by the sound of her name.  Just the sound of her name caused me to lose focus.  I was here because she wasn't.  Jayden had her in that god forsaken cabin and I couldn't reach her.  There's nothing worse than being so close but yet so far. Although every inch of me wanted to run and grab her my brain stopped me.  I didn't know the situation, I didn't know where she was in the cabin, all I knew was that she was somewhere in there.  

I sat in my car for hours.  Jayden and Conner had both disappeared into the cabin a while ago.  As the sun set I tracked the lights in the cabin that would turn on and off.  The only shadows I could see belonged to Jayden and Conner.  Kylie's delicate figure had yet to make an appearance.  So I sat there and kept watching.


Once Jayden calmed down Conner walked back into my room.  I didn't dare ask a question or make a sound.  There was something different in Conner's behavior and body language.  He seemed tense but once in a while he would look up and we would make eye contact, in that moment he seemed conflicted.

"She was my sister."  He had taken his usual spot in the chair across from my bed.  His elbows were rested on his knees while his hands held his head up.  

"She had just finished work one night and was headed to meet Jayden here."  He was talking about Kelly.  When Jayden had begun yelling her name I had mistaken it for my own.  Conner had reacted so quickly to his shouts that it took me a while to realize he wasn't yelling for me.

"The roads to get her a rough, windy, and muddy.  Well that night it was raining.  The officers at the scene explained that she was speeding when a deer jumped out in front of her.  She swerved to miss it but hit a tree instead."  His eyes began to water but not a single tear fell.

"Jayden was here waiting for her.  When he hadn't heard from her he began to panic.  He closed up the cabin and went out to get her.  At first he said he was going to pick her up from work if she wasn't done yet.  He never got that far.  She was maybe a mile away when he found her."

Although not a single tear had fallen from Conner's eyes there were more than enough tears coming from mine for the both of us.  Conner went on to explain that Jayden and Kelly had something that no one could explain.

"It's as if they were put on this planet for each other."

She was the love of his life.  But he had to find her hanging out of her windshield, dead.  

"You look a lot like her you know."  He reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet.  He removed a small wallet sized picture and walked over and handed it to me.

I think Conner may have been giving me too much credit because she was gorgeous.  In the picture she radiated his happiness.  Her smile was contagious as I felt the corners of my mouth turn up.

"What do you think you're doing?"  Conner and I both looked up to see a very stiff Jayden.  He seemed to be frozen in the doorway staring at the picture I held in my hands.  I felt myself shrink under his glare.

"I asked what you think you're doing?"  His teeth were barred and he almost seemed to snarling at us.


There it was again.  He was yelling, this was my chance.  Without a single thought I bolted out of the car.  I didn't bother to grab the keys, the only thing I wanted in my hands were my Kylie bear.  I ran from my hiding space right to the front door, undetected.  The shouting seemed to be getting louder.  I paused in the doorway until I heard her voice.

"PLEASE STOP!"  She was screaming too.  Her voice sounded broken, as if she was crying.  That only made me run faster. 

I followed the yelling until I reached my destination.  I paused on the side of the wall when I heard a loud thunk.  It was the sound of a body hitting the floor.

On the ground Conne's body laid.  Kylie was by his side while Jayden stood above both of them with his fist tightly clenched at his sides.

"Kylie"  I let out a breath of relief when I saw her, healthy and alive.  That was my first mistake.  My second was the moment I took my eyes off of Jayden and his fist came at me, fast.

Thank you everyone for your patience.  I hope you enjoyed my update.  I know it's short but I have finally found my voice in this story again.  I have received everyones comments and votes.  I appreciate all the support you guys have given me.  If it weren't for the comments reminding me that I haven't updated in so long I probably would have kept procrastinating and not getting around to finishing this story.  

The end is very near in the story of Kylie, Dylan, Jayden, and all the other character that you guys have grown attached to.  Please comment on how you all feel the end will be, I enjoy reading all the thoughts everyone has.  You never know, your idea may just be right.

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.  

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