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The night was coming to an end. We had all said our farewells and I was headed with Dylan back to his car. I scanned the parking lot to see if maybe Zac was still here but his car was no where to be seen. His left so suddenly it took me a little off gaurd but he probably just wanted to get Lily home, she was falling asleep in his arms. I wish in the future I could have a family like them where there is nothing but unconditional love.

"Did you have fun tonight Kylie bear?" Dylan had his arm snaked around my waist as he led me to the passenger side of his car. "I did. What about you tiger, you came late?" I could hear a faint laugh rumble in his chest that vibrated my shoulder. "I had a lot of unexpected fun tonight." He opened the car and I crawled in. I was beat! As soon as I got home I was going to sleep.

"Go to sleep Kylie bear, Iʻll wake you up when we get home." I nodded briefly and then dozed off. I could hear his music playing softly, It was an oldie and Dylan could sing every word. "Because your kiss, your kiss is on my list." Funny, there was a kiss on my list and I wish I knew who it was.

I felt myself being lifted out of the car and pressed against Dylanʻs hard chest. As much as I should have stood up and walked in I couldnʻt, I was just too tired. I heard Dylan softly knock on the door and the light from the inside of the house shined bright making me cringe a little and nuzzle my face deep into Dylanʻs chest.

"Sheʻs beat. Iʻll take her upstairs." I heard my mom say yes and ask if he was sleeping over. "Can I sleep over tonight Kylie bear?" He whispered it softly enough for only me to hear and I nodded. He told my mom and we made out way up the stairs. "Weʻre in your room, why don't you go change into something to sleep in." I dragged myself across my room and grabbed a change of clothes, I passed Dylan his usual and made my way to the bathroom to shower.

Getting out of the shower my sleep had yet to fade. Normally, after a shower I would feel refreshed and awake but tonight was a different story. I slipped into my bed while Dylan went to take a shower. I fell into a deep sleep and I was expecting to wake up early either I was sleeping in.


I woke up slowly and looked around my room from where I was lying down. Dylan had his arm wrapped around me as he layed out on his stomach. His face was turned in my direction and I could hear his low deep breaths. He looked so sweet and innocent in his sleep it made me want to giggle, but I held it back to make sure I didnʻt wake him up.

I slowly lifted his arm off from over my stomach and placed it gently on the bed. He quickly started to feel around for me as I left the bed and I replaced myself with a pillow that he grabbed and snuggled close to, inhaling deeply. I walked downstairs and found my parents sitting together at the breakfast table.

I always wanted to grow up and have and relationship like my parents. They always showed affection towards each other and they seemed to still have that spark that they talked about having when they were younger. They sat together hands intertwinded together as my father read the newspaper and my mother sat there on her phone, most likely answering work emails.

"Good morning." I greeted as I walked in and poured myself a cup of coffee and put some creamer inside, dulling the powerful taste of coffee. "Good morning honey, do you have any plans for the day?" I sat across from my parents and they both focused their attention on me.

"Not really. Dylan is still upstairs sleeping so Iʻll see what heʻs doing today and then Iʻll make plans from there." My dad smiled at me and then went back to reading his paper. "I was thinking tonight we could have dinner with Sandra and Bill tonight since we seem to always have Dylan over." I like that idea. It had been a while since I had seen Sandra and Bill, they were like my second pair of parents.

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