The Slip Up

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I'm running. I'm not sure where I'm running to but I know I have to get away. I run fast passing trees and having to dodge the grounded roots. Dylan appears beside me running. He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him and together we run faster. I can see a small light flashing ahead and Dylan smiles and points. I can't hear anything nor can I say anything. That's when I trip, like a pathetic girl in a scary movie, I trip. Everything is gone and looming over me is Jayden. His eyes are filled at concern then change in anger in an instance. I look around for Dylan but he's gone.

"You can never leave."

Same dream every night. Every time I think the ending will be different, that Dylan will take me away, I fall and Jayden ends up saying the same thing. "You can never leave." I look past the comforter and notice Conner sitting in his chair reading under a small desk lamp.

Its been the same routine since Jayden has taken me. I wake up and there's breakfast waiting next to the bed. Jayden sits in the same chair as Conner but brings it closer to the bed, so he's closer to me. I have spoken a word to him since the day I woke up and found myself stranded with him. I can tell my silence is aggrevating him more and more everyday but I still go on being silent.

When the sun starts to set Conner comes over. I know its him because he knocks three times slowly on the front door before Jayden lets him in. Not much later they both walk in together and Jayden comes over to me, kisses me on the forehead, then leaves for work. That's when Conner goes back downstairs, grabs our dinners and then pushes the chair back to his spot, sits down and begins eating while he reads his book.

I tried to convince Conner to let me free but he would only look at me apolegetically then go back to his book. Tonight was going to be different.


"Yes Kylie." Turning his head just slightly so he could see me but not to the point where he was completely facing me.

"I need to walk around." It wasn't my initial plan but I needed some kind of social interaction. Being stuck in a house for two weeks now ( I know because I scratch a mark on the bed post everyday).

"You are more than welcome to walk around the house. Jayden just finished with the last of the indoor garden for you." His attention was back on his book. I could tell he was only listening to half of what I was actually saying."

I sat up from the bed for the first time that day and walked over to the dresser. I pulled on a pair of shorts and house slippers.

"Walk with me Conner. I could use the company" He raised an eyebrow questioningly towards me but doggy eared the corner of his book and set it down on the desk.

As we left the room Conner had me walk out first then followed behind. I wasn't exactly sure where I was going but I just needed to get out of that room.

"So, where is this indoor garden?" I catch a glimpse of a smile from Conner but not much before he takes the lead and we head down the hallway.

When he opens the door for me I'm taken aback. Everything inside is beautiful. Flowers are everywhere. Everything from roses, to daisies, to forget-me-not's. As I stare in I forget to be my normal stoic self and emotions start to show.

Since I was taken I had nothing but resentment towards everything in my life. I began to hate people because of some choice they make but then I remember my family and everything just seems sad. I walk in and around the garden before I find a bench in the back corner of the room. I sit by myself for a while before I look over at Conner who is still standing in the doorway.

"Conner, can you just come and sit by me? I know you probably don't want to talk but I just need to know someone is next to me." It took a while but Conner finally came over and sat by me.

I'm not sure how long I was sitting there but when I finally opened my eyes Conner was still sitting there next to me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cry on you." Conner just shook his head and turned away with a forbearing look on his face.

"Kylie, maybe we should go back up to the room. I'm not sure how Jayden would feel if he saw us in here." Conne stood like he was going to walk out but quickly snapped his head towards the door. Everything seemed to be silent and then I heard it as well.

"KELLY! KELLY!" It was Jayden's voice but he wasn't yelling my name he was yelling the name Kelly. I'm not sure who Kelly is but I would hate to be her.

"Kylie, run to the room." There was no chance of objecting to what Conner said. I quickly stood up and ran out of the indoor garden as fast as I could. As I ran down the long hallway I could hear Jayden walked towards the room and Conner's footsteps behind me.

When I finally reached the room I quickly jumped into the bed and crawled under the sheets making sure to hide as much of the clothes I had changed in to. Conner was in the room sitting back on his chair. We were both trying to force our heartbeats to slow down but they both seemed to be beating so hard and fast that we weren't surprised Jayden could hear it from outside the door.

"KELLY!" Jayden came busting in through the door. Anger was clear across his face and I instictivly crawled deeper under the sheets. Conner was out of the chair in no time pushing Jayden out of the door, but Jayden's eyes wouldn't leave mine. The anger had seemed to drain out of them and they were not covered in sadness. It left me feeling scared and confused. I wasn't quite sure if I should get up and comfort him or stay my withdrawn self.


I never trusted Jayden from the night my Kylie bear disappeared. The cops had taken him in for questioning once because he was the last person she had contact with but he kept saying he dropped her off in front of her house and that was the last he saw her.

I can see him perfectly from the booth I've been sitting in at Tric since the day I found out she was gone. I had the ideal spot of seeing everything Jayden did and the point where he could see me watching him.

He seemed a litt more on edge today. He had already dropped a few bottle of drinks and was messing orders up left and right. Finally the last straw was drawn when he spilt a drink on a customer and they started to become aggresive.

Jayden threw the bar door open and stormed out of Tric not giving me the normal glance he usually does before he would leave. I wait a few seconds before I rush out the door to follow him. I keep having this reoccuring dream of trying to save Kylie and I end up getting hit over the head and everything goes blank and she's gone. It kills me deep down to know that something like that could happen.

He is sitting in his car. His left hand is tightly gripping the steering wheel as he turns the key in the ignition. I take it as my chance to get into my car and try to follow him. It only takes him one slip before I've caught him.

We both sit in the parking lot. I'm waiting for him and I believe he's waiting for himself as well. Finally he reverses out of his parking stall and drives away quickly, zooming down the street. I have to make sure I keep my lights off as I trail him, making sure he doesn't see me.

We don't drive for a while maybe half an hour at the most until he pulls up to a dirt road and starts to drive down the road like he's done it a million times. I take my time following him, making sure I stay at a safe distance away. Finally we reach a cabin in the middle of nowhere. I stay farther away on the dirt road waiting for him to make his move.

He flies open his door screaming Kelly. For a moment my hopes drop at the thought of me following Jayden to a distant cabin only to hear him calling out to his girlfriend who had passed away a few years ago. I decide to stay there watching him for a while to see what else happens. He storms inside and is still yelling Kelly's name.

Not much later, Jayden is being pushed out of the house by Conner, Kelly's brother. They're talking and I peer my ears out to hear them a little better.

"Jayden, Kelly is gone. The girl inside is not Kelly, you need to remember that." Conner keeps repeating it to Jayden until finally Jayden speaks. Its soft but I can make it out a little and I almost run into the house myself.

"It's Kylie." He says.


Well I finally uploaded. I apologize for such a long wait I know I kept saying I would get an update up really soon but I have been so busy with school and just trying to keep up with everything. Please forgive me.

On another note I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know its short but the story is getting there. If there are any suggestions you would like to tell me don't be shy to let me know.

Please VOTE and/or COMMENT! I would really appreciate it.

QUOTE: "Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough." Og Mandino


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