Just One Dance

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Picture on the side is Dylan >>>

Chapter 2 

“So, what are you wearing tomorrow night?” Rose asked while leaning really close to me from across the table.  We were all sitting around at lunch talking about our weekend plans when Blake told us about his party he was throwing at his place on Saturday.

“Not sure, probably just jeans and a t-shirt” I just shrugged my shoulders trying to ignore Rose and Emily’s shocked expressions.

“You do realize it’s a party right, like one with a bunch of hot guys” I just rolled my eyes at their comment and turned to see what the boys were talking about.  However, they were talking about the party too.

“That’s it, sleepover tonight at my place and all day shopping spree tomorrow” Emily said with a huge smile while grabbing her phone to let her mom know.  Rose liked the idea and agreed.  At that point, I had no choice but agree.  This was going to be an interesting night.

“Hey Tiger no Friday night movies and take out for me,” I said nudging Dylan who was sitting next to me talking with Blake and Zac about the game this weekend.

“Why not?” Concern crossed his face as my word sunk in.  For the past few weeks, we had been doing the same thing every Friday night and it never got old.

“I’m sleeping over Emily’s and then we’re going shopping tomorrow for Blake’s party,” I was never one for shopping really so the all-day shopping Rose and Emily had in mind didn’t really excite me.

“Good, you could use some girl time,” He kissed me on the forehead one last time before the bell rang and Zac and I walked to art history.

I was packing up for the weekend while Dylan was lying down on my bed watching me.  We kept exchanging funny faces making each other laugh. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from the bathroom and packed it in my bag.  I was officially packed for my girl’s weekend and I was a little nervous.

“I can take you to Emily’s if you want?” Dylan was now sitting up on my bed resting his head on my bag.

“No, it is fine; Emily said she would pick me up so we could go food shopping.”  That was the kind of shopping I liked.  I heard the doorbell rang and Dylan let out aloud groan.  I zipped up my bag and I threw it on my back. 

“Piggy back ride?” I asked Dylan with a huge giddy smile.  He nodded reluctantly and nudged me towards him.

“YES!” I jumped on Dylan’s back as he just laughed and walked down the stairs carrying me on his back. We got to the front door and I opened it, then greeted an over excited Emily.

“Well, aren’t you guys just the cutest thing, ready to go?” I nodded and Dylan put me down.  We walked out to Emily’s car.

“Call me tonight and tomorrow so I can make sure you’re okay” Dylan said as I gave him a hug and he kissed me on the forehead.  I gave him a little shove before I got into the car with Emily.  As we drove off Emily kept giggling.

“What’s up with you?” I asked Emily as her giggling and smiling started to make me curious.

“Dylan and you are absolutely adorable.  He totally has a thing for you”

“Does not” She just shook her head and kept a little smirk on her face.  Dylan didn’t have a thing for me we were best friends and nothing more.

“So, I thought we were going to go to the store and pick up food first?” I asked as we pulled into Emily’s gigantic house. 

“No, I had some extra time and I picked up every type of possible snack out there” She got out of the car and I followed her.  As we walked into the house, my jaw dropped.  Her house looked like one of the houses you see on the housewives of Orange County.  There was a long windy staircase leading up to the second floor, the first floor had a large kitchen, living area, dining area, and other miscellaneous rooms. Emily guided me up one of the staircases to the second floor where all of the bedrooms were.

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