The Black Car

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School was over and I was just sitting on the bleachers waiting for Dylan to finish practice so he could take me home.  I watched from a distance as the cheerleaders went over a new routine.  The moves were simple and I think even I could do it if I tried.  I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grabbed it out, one missed call.

I checked my voice mail, entering in my password and waiting until the voice mail started to play.  "Hi Kylie, its Jayden...  I was just calling to see what you were up to... It would be great if you could call me back."  His voice stuttered every once in a while making his voice give off the fact that he was nervous.  I smiled at how nervous he was just to leave me a voice mail.  How cute.

I heard Coach Willis blow his whistle marking the end of practice.  I waited on the bleachers for a little while until I made my way out to the parking lot.  Getting there I noticed an unfamiliar black car near the back of the parking lot.  None of the athletes parked that far away so at the end of school they could get to their cars quickly and change for practice.  It had an eerie look to it making me shiver.

"Kylie!  You ready to go?"  Dylan called.  I was so distracted by the car that I hadnʻt noticed that everyone was out of the locker room already and standing by their cars.  I nodded and then turned back to the car but it was gone.  Had  I imagined it?

Getting home I set all of my stuff down in my room and went to take a shower.  I changed into my pajamaʻs and walked into my room and sat on my bed grabbing my phone.  Another missed call. 

"Hey Kylie, its Jayden... again.  I was kind of rambling in the other message, which I guess that's what Iʻm doing now.  Um... could you just give me a call... or not its up to you.  Yeah... okay I hope to talk to you later?"  Hanging my phone up I laughed.  Why did he seem so nervous?  I called him back and waited about two rings until he answered.

"Kylie?"  His voice jumped a bit until he cleared his throat.

"Hey Jayden."  I had to keep my voice calm and collected by I felt like laying on my bed and kicking my legs up and down while playing really loud music.  It seemed like the butterflies that were in my stomach from calling Jayden just had babies and now they were flying around in my stomach as well.

"I know this is kind of out of the blue and everything but I was wondering what you were doing Friday night...?"  My breathing stopped and I wasnʻt sure what to say.  "Kylie... you still there?"  I nodded like he could see me through the phone.  I finally let out a deep breath and responded trying to be calm and cool.

"Iʻm here... Iʻm free Friday... whatʻs up?" 

"I was hoping we could go out or something.  I know this really cool place I think you would like."

"That sounds great.  What time?"

"I can pick you up at seven."  I agreed quicker than I thought I would and we said good bye.  As soon as I heard the line go flat I jumped up and down on my bed not being able to control my excitement.  I quickly jumped off putting my phone on its iHome and Blisters in the Sun by the Violent Femmes started to blare on the speakers.  I jumped back on my bed jumping up and down unable to stop the excitement that I had for this weekend.


"JAYDEN WEST?!"  I was sitting at lunch with just Rose and Emily while the boys were getting their food.  I quickly reached across the table to cover their mouths before someone over heard our conversation.  I had just told them about Jayden asking me out and they seemed to share the same excitement as me.

"Yes, Jayden West."  I said moving my hands from their mouths as they started to settle down.  Even though their mouths were closed their eyes were wide open like they had just seen a ghost. 

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