I've missed you Tiger

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Picture on the side is of Kylie >>>

Chapter 1 

I walked through the glass door and inhaled deeply, taking in my new surroundings.  It was a nice big house with two floors.  On the bottom floor were the kitchen, dining room, office, living room, and another larger room that we had no idea what to do with it. On the top floor were three bedrooms, one would be mine while my parents would take the master and the other room would be used for guest.  I walked back outside to grab more boxes of stuff from the moving truck when I noticed a happy couple talking to my parents, and a boy who looked to be around my age standing next to them with a smile on his face, his smile was contagious and I found myself smiling.

“Kylie, come here, I want you to meet some people” I looked up at my dad who had noticed that I was standing there with a confused look on my face.  I cautiously walked up to him and hid behind his leg.

“Kylie, this is Sandra and Bill, mommy and daddy’s best friends” I looked at the two new people I was meeting.  Sandra was pretty with glossy brown hair and a friendly smile across her face.  Bill was much the same but he had lighter hair and light blue-green eyes that looked like the ocean.  I gave them a shy smile and wave but stayed behind my dad’s leg.  I soon came to love these people like they were my other pair of parents.

“Hi Kylie, it’s nice to finally meet you, we’ve heard so much about you from your parents.” Sandra was talking now.  “This is our son Dylan; you guys are the same age.”  She pointed to the boy that I had noticed earlier.  He gave me a huge smile and I couldn’t help but smile back.  His green eyes showed a playful emotion.  His dirty blonde hair was just long enough where it swept across his brow. 

“Come, I want to show you something” Dylan grabbed my hand and I followed him as he walked me down the sidewalk to the house next to mine new one.  I turned around quickly noticing that I had unwillingly let myself be dragged away by someone I had just met.  I met my mom’s eyes as she mouthed have fun and then returned to her conversation with Sandra and Bill.

Dylan, still holding my hand, took me upstairs of what I could only guess was his house.  It looked exactly like ours just decorated more with pictures and furniture.  We walked into a room painted in a light blue with pictures of planes and maps everywhere, the bed had soccer sheets on them.  I was guessing this was Dylan’s room.  We walked over to the window on the right side of his bed.

“This is my room by the way. And that” he said pointing next door to my house. “That’s your room. I hope, we can stay up late at night and talk with warlike talkies and stuff and we can make up our own flash light language so we don’t make a lot of noise” His already large smile grew even more as he came up with more ideas.  His eyes filled with joy and excitement over everything.

“You don’t talk much do you? That’s okay my parents say I talk enough for my whole family so I guess I can talk enough for you too.” He smiled at me and I returned it and then looked back at my soon to be room. Thinking about how this boy seemed to fill me with so much happiness.

“I’m just shy” I replied twirling my dark brown hair and staring down at the ground.

“It’s okay you don’t have to be shy around me.  We are going to be best friends” He smiled at me again before

~11 years later~

I couldn’t sit still. Just six hours ago my parents had told me that I was coming home.  They missed me so much that they decided I should finish my senior year at Golden Oaks High School.  I was so excited to go home and see Dylan.  From day one, he had been the big brother I never had and I was so happy he was always there for me.

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