Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Author's P.O.V*

When the couple return home from their session, Harry made a beeline for the shower while Niall prepared to head to work. There wasn't much communication between the two during that time. It wasn't anything new but it felt a little off. Well it felt off to Niall. The movements of his lover felt as if he was trying to have as much distance away from him. There wasn't even an attempt to have sex either. It was usually the first thing they do when they would make it home. That seems to be another progress. He doesn't know whether to celebrate it or not though. Hopefully whatever was bothering his partner will blow over when he comes back. When Niall does return home, he finds his lover in the kitchen making dinner. He rests his hands on his hips then looks over to shoulder to see what he is cooking. A sigh leaves Harry's mouth and that gets him to kiss at his cheek with a pout.

"Are you still upset about the face thing?" Niall asks, squeezing his hips.

"Do I look upset to you?" He questions, aggressively chopping away at some garlic.

"The way that you say it makes it hard to believe." Niall answers and receives a scoff."It's not like I don't find you attractive anymore."

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't touch me while I'm cooking." He states, trying to shake his hands off his hips.

"That's never been an issue before." Niall replies, gently nipping at his ear with his teeth.

"Aren't we not suppose to be having sex?" He questions, leaning his head from his assault.

"I'm not trying to have sex with you." Niall tells him and that causes Harry's heart to feel strange.

"Then what are you trying to do?" He asks and Niall opens his mouth to respond but nothing comes out.

What exactly is he trying to do? His hands leave his boyfriend's hips and rest at his sides. Now this definitely feels awkward. Though he is denying it, this is his first time seeing him upset. In the past, he has heard of him getting upset from work but he had never really seen it. It sucks more since he is the cause of it. He didn't try to be. Usually when he is upset, they have sex to help him feel better. Maybe he was trying to have sex with him. This is all so confusing to him. His thoughts and feelings are all over the place. In this moment, he would really benefit from talking with Dr.Malik. While he mentally figure things out, Harry finishes making their food and plating it. They take their meals and sit at the dining table with Harry scrolling through his phone the entire time.

After they both finish their meal, they head to the bedroom with Harry going to take a shower shortly after. He doesn't know what to do with himself anymore since they are having a lot of sex. Once his shower is over, he returns to the room and gets in bed. He gets on his phone with his back facing the blue eye male. He really isn't scrolling through his phone because he's still trying to process today. Maybe the world hates him. Maybe it wants to witness him end up like everyone else he knows. Why else would this be happening? The television is turnt on with Niall putting on Austin Powers. Though he gets through twenty five minutes of the movie, he has a hard time focusing afterwards. There is no possible way he can go to sleep with his boyfriend upset with him. With that, he sits up and clears his throat.

"Do you maybe want to know some things about me?" Niall asks softly, trying to peek over his shoulder.

"I'm sure you are going to tell me no matter my answer." He answers, rolling his eyes.

"I won't unless you want to know. I don't like to be a burden to you." He whispers, a frown appearing on his face.

"You won't be a burden." Harry replies, turning over to stare at him just in time to see his smile.

"I'm really camera shy and just shy in general but like cameras really get to me. When I'm tipsy or drunk, it is a different story. I'm very handy so much so that I wanted to be a computer engineer when I was younger. My favorite color is black but brown comes in a very close second. I love watching supernatural themed shows and movies. My birthday is September third and cross word puzzles are my guilty pleasure." He informs, biting at his nails as he waits for his response.

"You're shy but you almost fucked me in front of Dr.Malik." Harry says and Niall blushes with wide eyes.

"But I didn't and you were the reason for that anyway." He rebuttals, causing his lover to laugh.

"Dr.Malik still heard us having sex though so technically you did." Harry replies, sticking his tongue out afterwards.

"I have heard enough." He states and brings Harry's face into his chest by holding the back of his head with one hand and the other firmly on his lower back.

Harry beats at his shoulders playfully while mumbling something in his shirt. Suddenly, he inhales his boyfriend's scent to come to the conclusion that he smells like smoked wood and lavender. This is his first time actually finding out his natural scent and realizing that he even has one. Though the combination is a bit foreign, he finds himself enjoying it very much. Both smells equal each other out, which made them a lot more easier to take in. How long has he been smelling like this? Why didn't he notice this when they have sex? All of a sudden his face is met with light vibrations from Niall laughing. That, with the realization of how gentle and close he is being held, causes him to actually pull away quickly. There's too many firsts. Way too fucking many. It hasn't even been a whole day yet. Immediately, he turns back to his original position with his phone resting on the dresser.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" Niall asks, resting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

"No. I'm just really sleepy." He lies while forcing his eyes closed and pulling the sheets to his chin.

"Oh okay." Niall replies softly while turning down the television volume."Goodnight."

"Night." He responds quickly and sighs in relief when he feels his hand move away from his shoulder.

Mentally, he can't stop repeating what the fuck. God he just wants to scream and disappear for a day or two. A slight temptation of going to sleep on the couch enters his body but he chooses not to as to not cause more conversation. As he forces himself to sleep, Niall stares at the back of his head with his hand still hovering over his shoulder. He wants to wrap it around his waist and pull him close to spoon him to sleep. The voice in his head tells him not to and he listens. Instead, he turns the opposite direction from him while turning off the television. A familiar feeling pings his heart and he chooses to ignore it. Embracing it would lead to a certain reaction that would get Harry's attention and make him feel bad. The last thing he wants to do is make him feel bad from his own emotions. With a deep inhale, he forces himself to sleep as well. He falls asleep a lot easier than his boyfriend, who stays up for two more hours before falling asleep.




Thoughts??? The fact that this story is still doing so good after a four year hiatus is insane to me.

Bye my Somewhere I Belong.

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