Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*Author's P.O.V*

"My family for some odd reason wants to spend some time with you again." Harry states, coming into their bedroom after brushing his teeth.

"Because they realize how good I am for you." He replies, pretending to fix his tie and dusting off his shoulder.

"Better? Or worse?" Harry says and Niall fakes a look of hurt."Don't forget you only increased my sex drive, which is why we're both addicts."

"It takes two petal." He responds, holding up two fingers and wiggling them.

"My parents wanted to know if we were interested in going on a family vacations with them to a ski lodge." Harry says, brushing his curly hair.

"Are you sure this isn't code for you trying to say you want me to go?" He asks, watching him put on a dress shirt while keeping his shorts on.

"Anyways, I told them we weren't interested in going." Harry says and Niall shakes his head quickly.

"What? Noooo. Call them back and say we're interested." He replies while grabbing his phone and handing it to him.

Harry then starts to think about that possibility, him and Niall snuggled up by a nice fireplace while it snows. Another image of them learning how to ski pops up in his head. A bunch of cute scenarios start to flash through his mind. Some included them having a snowball fight, making a snowman together, attempting to build an igloo, eating smores, etc. A smile creeps onto his face but he gets rid of it quickly. No need to smile about stuff that may or may not happen. He then remembers that he isn't supposed to be thinking like this. That just about seals it for him to text his parents that they were interested in going. They respond back immediately about how excited they are. Don't get him wrong, he's always down for family vacations. He's had like fifty of them throughout his life. It's just having a significant other tagging along this time makes it feel different.

"Well, my meeting is about to start so I'll see you in a few." Harry states after looking at the clock.

"Why can't I just sit in the background while you do it?" He asks before whining when he sees him shake his head.

"Because who knows what you'll get up to." Harry explains, kissing him on the cheek then heading to leave out.

"I'll just watch you the whole time. I never saw you in a professional setting before." He rebuttals, following him but a hand is placed on his chest to stop him.

"The meeting is only twenty to twenty five minutes." Harry reassures him before leaving him for good.

After being left alone for a few minutes, Niall realizes just how clingy he was just being. He mentally tells himself that it is okay to let him have his space sometimes. He's only going to be in their spare room anyway, which they had turned into an office long ago. He does get an idea to just put his ear against the door and listen but holds back. That would defeat the purpose anyway. Harry's phone starts to ring and he looks at the caller ID to see that it's an unknown number. He contemplates answering because he doesn't want to get in his personal business. What if he heard it and comes back to answer it? What if it's just a random person that doesn't want anything? Just before the call could be sent to voice-mail, he answers it. He's sure Harry won't be upset with him after he explains himself.

"Hello, may I ask whose calling?" He asks, keeping his voice relatively quiet in case Harry can hear him.

"A friend of Harry's." The stranger answers, glad that they didn't speak first.

"He's a bit busy right now, but I can leave him a message for you." He says, searches for a pen and paper.

"That won't be necessary. I would much rather talk to you." The man replies and Niall grows a look of confusion.

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