Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

*Author's P.O.V*

"Thanks for inviting me, guys." Zayn says before taking a sip of his champagne.

"Who would have thought a one night stand would turn into five years together?" Harry replies before laughing while nudging him and his lover with his elbow."Not me."

"I always knew." Niall says while shrugging his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.

"You did not." Harry replies, shoving him gently so he wouldn't spill his drink.

"I so did." He says and Dr. Malik can only stare back and forth between them as they bicker.

"How?" Harry responds before finishing his glass.

"Because you were the first one to ask to do it at my place, and you didn't leave the moment you woke up." He tells him, and Harry stops a surprised look from appearing on his face.

"How could I when you offered me a homemade breakfast and you woke up way before me." Harry says, looking around for validation but gets nothing.

"Excues excuses." He replies while shaking his head and sighing.

"It is not. You're just mad that I called you o-" Harry tries to speak but is cut off when lips are pressed against his.

"Going to give you two some privacy." Zayn says, then slowly turning around and leaving as they start to kiss a little more deeply.

The couple had decided to have a little get-together with only close friends and family to celebrate their anniversary. Of course, Harry's family had come to celebrate with them, making jokes about them getting engaged. Harry had, obviously, shot down those jokes very quickly. It wasn't because he was offended or anything, but because he just didn't want to go down that rabbit hole of having that type of conversation with them. He, also, didn't know how comfortable Niall were with those jokes, even if he laughed at them. They didn't plan on celebrating with them for too long because they had made dinner reservations at a nice restaurant and planned on going to a spa.

"I want to make the toast!" Gemma yells while holding up her glass of champagne as everyone comes back into the room.

"Anybody but her." Harry says, causing everyone to laugh.

"I'm your only option, so shut up." She replies while holding her hand up in front of his face, but he smacks it down quickly.

"Not in front of your therapist." Their mother states, lightly pushing them away from each other.

"It's nice to see my baby brother in love because I was sure he was going to be single the rest of his life. I know he's a lot to handle, so I'm thankful he found someone as good as Niall to manage all of that. There's no way in hell that they won't last forever." She says before everyone raises their glasses."To many more years of this perfect couple living in our presence."

The couple leaves for the spa, and both of them were very excited because it was both their first time. There was so much that they could do. They decided to start it off with the sauna. After that, they get facials and a full body message. They kind of regretted doing this first because they were so relaxed afterward. They both kind of wanted to go to bed or just lay in bed watching a movie. Nonetheless, they worked up enough strength to go home and get dressed for the restaurant. They could not miss out on this, seeing as Niall made a reservation for three months in advance. They arrive at the restaurant and are seated immediately. They order some appetizers and a bottle of wine. The service is wonderful as they are constantly checked up on, and their requests are coming so quickly.

"Maybe I should take you out to fancy restaurants more often because you look so beautiful all dressed up." Niall confesses, and Harry hides his smile by sipping his wine.

"Just so you know, I'm not wearing any underwear." He says to avoid the conversation getting too mushy.

"Just so you know, neither am I." Niall replies, then giving him wink that gets his lover to fan himself dramatically.

"I am a second away from saying I love you." He says, and though that's a terrible reason, Niall takes it.

"No, but seriously, it's been nothing but great getting to be around you and with you." Niall tells him, causing Harry to shift in his seat.

"I think the expensive wine has gotten to your head." He says, tapping the bottle with his nail.

"It hasn't, but I hope the feelings are mutual to some degree." Niall responds, and Harry shakes his because he should have known he was going to get all mushy during this.

"The feelings are mutual." He says kind of quietly, but it's enough to make Niall grow the biggest smile on his face."Stop smiling like that. You're creeping me out."

"Ahhh, I'm so scary from showing basic himan emotions. Run for your lives, everyone." Niall says in a very bad, scared voice while waving his hands about.

"You keep that up. I'm going to make you so painfully hard while we're here that you moan out loud." He threatens, causing the waitress that is walking past to trip and drop the dirty dishes she was carrying.

"Do you think she heard us?" Niall asks quietly as they take a quick glimpse at her, to see her picking up the dishes.

"I doubt anything else would make her do that." He says as other people start yo help the waitress."Don't you dare laugh."

"You saying that makes me want to laugh even more." Niall responds, finding it physically painful, not being able to laugh.

They spend the rest of the evening trying almost everything on the menu because it sounded so exotic. They were sure that the bill was going to make them cry, but that is a problem for later. Maybe not even later, seeing as the wine got them a little bit more tipsy than normal. All that they care about is how every dish that they get tatses absolutely scrumptious. They are pretty sure that the people around them probably think that they are high. The tornado and hurricane have never been calmer than they are right now. By the looks of it, it appears that it was going to stay that way for quite some time. The people can finally live in peace.

They arrive home later practically hanging off of each other. They were giggling like mad as they talked about the waitress reaction. They swear that it wasn't that funny when it happened, but Niall's reenactment of it made it way more funnier than it needed to be. While heading to the bedroom, they start to take off their clothes so they can get into something more comfortable. That doesn't go quite as planned since Harry tripped over his pants, causing him to stumble into the wall. He let's out a weird noise on his way down before they both looked at each other in silence. All it takes is one crack of a smile from Niall, and they start to laugh all over again. Once they calm down, they stand there and look at each other.

"So what do you say about fucking until the sun rises?" Harry asks, wondering if either could even handle that since that will be six hours of sex.

"I was thinking we sit and have super deep and personal conversations until the sun rises?" He asks in return while avoiding eye contact and playing with his nails.

"Therapy really sucked all the fun out of you." Harry says, going to pout, but soon is picked up.

"You make it too easy." He tells him before kissing at his face with a smirk.

"To many more years of this." Harry states, wrapping his arms around his neck with a loving smile.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, petal." He says then, disappearing into the bedroom to do what they do best.



Thoughts??? It took me 9 years to finish this story when I most definitely could have done it in 3. 😂😂😂 Anyways, thanks so much for sticking it out with me.


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