Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Author's P.O.V*

"Yeah, I don't think you would want to stop making love to me." Harry states, letting out a dry chuckle.

"I would if it meant that-" He is cut off by Harry putting his index finger against his lips.

"No, you wouldn't. You're a romance type of guy and love making is a pretty big part of that lovebird." Harry responds with his finger being kissed before being removed.

"It doesn't have to be. Sex with you, no matter the form, will always be great and filled with love." He explains, trying not to sound too bummed out.

"Not making love to me is basically saying that he won." Harry says and Niall has to bite his inner cheek because he is right.

"He'll never win as long as I'm here." He replies and immediately hates how cheesy he sounds.

"For three years, he wormed himself deep into my brain that I truly think that I'll never be able to yank him out. I refuse to be apart of anything affectionate or romantic because my body and brain will find it absolutely disgusting. I have to hear his coos and laughs in my head whenever you try to be affectionate with me. I can picture his smile too and I have to fight the tears that want to fall every time. It's gotten so bad now that even the mention of him or a picture of him is ready to bring on an anxiety attack." Harry confesses, hating that he'll have to repeat to Dr.Malik."He's been winning."

"I'll worm myself deep in there instead and get rid of all that bullshit for you." He informs, reaching up to tap at his temple with his index finger.

Harry gives him a small smile. He can tell that he has no clue how hard and long it is going to be for him to fix him. Additionally, he still doesn't know the most important part of his time spent with Elijah. It's still something that he finds embarrassing about himself because he could have stopped it if he was just smart and brave enough. Yet, he let it go on and on and on and now he's in this predicament. He'll have to live with this for the rest of his life, which he's afraid that telling Niall may crush his spirit like no other. No. It'll definitely crush his spirits. Hopefully, he can rebuild his spirit afterwards. This is something nobody ever wishes to happen to their significant other or anyone else at all. That's the last thing he wants to do but he knows it's something he'll have to do eventually. Just the thoughts alone, makes him want to cry all over again. It's as if Niall can tell because he pulls him into his body.

"All of it hurts my brain like no other but it hurts my heart even more." He mumbles into his chest.

"Once I make these changes, I promise it won't hurt anyone." Niall states, running his fingers through the back of his hair.

"I don't want you to change for the sake of me." He responds, the gesture on the verge of putting him to sleep.

"I would willingly change for you a million times if it meant it'll stop your suffering." Niall replies, wanting those words to stay burned into his brain and heart forever.

There's a lot of things that he would do for him without a second thought. He would go as far as to giving up his life for him. That doesn't mean that he values his own life any less. It's just that when it comes to Harry everything else is less important. He doesn't want to voice it because he feels it'll be too much for him. The last thing he wants to do is spring another attack on him or remind him of Elijah. Even saying that man's name in his head makes his blood boil. He doesn't see how someone could look at his lover and decide to break him down that bad. If he had his way, he would make sure that the fucker would spend ten more years in jail. He'll most definitely bring up getting a restraining order later just in case that man tries to pull anything. Though he is slightly angry, it goes just as fast as it came as he feels the tension in his lover's back muscles.

"I can see that there is one last thing you're keeping from me." He states and feels the rest of his body tense up.

"How did you know?" Harry questions, wondering if he found out about it from his sister or his parents.

"You still feel tense." He answers and immediately feels a few of those muscles relax."I would really like if you would tell me."

"He found my social media and messaged me." Harry informs, still deciding to hold off from the other part.

"What did he say to you?" He asks, hoping it wasn't anything out of line.

"Just that I still look beautiful and that he would love to see me. I blocked him but I don't think that's going to stop him from creating a new account." Harry explains and Niall sighs before smiling.

"Why don't we go get cleaned up so I can take us out on a date." He says while getting up from the bed and pulling him with him.

"Why don't we just have a date here?" Harry asks, his body starting to become dead weight.

"Getting out the house will clear your head. Plus we deserve another date." He responds, squeezing his hands.

Harry follows him with them holding hands the entire way. They both get in shower, making sure that the water is lukewarm because neither of them likes bathing in boiling hot water. Though he tried to wash himself, Niall wouldn't let him. He wasn't going to complain because it made him a lot more relaxed. This is the one thing that Elijah didn't ruined for him and he's forever grateful for that. It kind of feels nice being treated like a spoiled child. However, he won't let him get away with doing this all the time. They both get out and dry themselves before going back to the bedroom. Harry doesn't know where he's being taken so he just decides to wear some black overalls with a white shirt covered in red butterflies underneath. He is taken by surprise when he looks up while putting on his rings to see Niall looking at him with so much fondness in his eyes. It makes him turn away as a blush immediately spread across his face.

"You're being dramatic." He says, going to put on his vans while trying to rub his blush away.

"It is a privilege being able to take in your ever glowing beauty in any form so sorry for being dramatic." Niall replies and bites his tongue from laughing as his lover stops moving, probably blushing from head to toe now.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" He asks after he peeks over his shoulder to see him holding his phone up.

"How can I not when you look like this?" Niall questions, still remaining in his boxers.

"Stop complimenting me." He grumbles with an adorable pout coming up on his face.

"Oh my god I have to record this." Niall states and Harry squeals as he covers his face a little too late.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? From now on, I'm muting people who comment "update please" "update soon" "I need an update now" or anything of that sort. I don't care who you are. I'm getting sick of it. I have a life outside this app.

Bye my My December.

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