Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

*Author's P.O.V*

"What happened to your knuckles?" Harry asks the next morning when he sees his lover icing his knuckles in the bathroom.

"Oh nothing. I just hit my hand on the counter." Niall lies, holding his hands out to him when he motions to look at them.

"Both knuckles lovebird?" He questions, handling his hands with care.

"Yeah. I really wasn't paying attention to what I was doing." Niall lies again and his boyfriend shakes his head at his failed attempt to lie.

"I would believe that if you was a characteristic of yours." He responds, bumping his shoulder against his playfully."Do you want to tell me the truth now?"

"I don't want to." Niall refuses and Harry can feel just how serious he is.

"Why not?" He asks, letting go of his hands when he feels them tense up.

"Because then we'll have to talk about everything." Niall answers, regret of punching the wall now entering him.

"I thought it was better to talk about everything." He replies, ignoring the back of his brain telling him Dr.Malik would be proud of him for saying that.

"Not this. Not this time petal." Niall tells him before he leaves for their bedroom.

In this moment, he wishes his boyfriend didn't change so much because the old him wouldn't have even gotten to this point with him. They would be fucking somewhere in the house without a care in the world. This changed him follows after him. He knows this because he can hear him following after him even though he's walking as light as possible. For as long as he's known him, his footsteps were always so quiet. Once he's in the room, the sudden realization overcomes him. Harry probably walks so quietly because he's use to doing it to go have sex with Elijah somewhere discreet. All this time, he thought it was just something cute that he did. Almost out of instinct, he clenches his fists at the thought of that situation. The pain in his knuckles comes back again but that doesn't matter now.

"I want to make love to you again." He states suddenly and staring into those eyes that keep darting everywhere while his body steps back.

"Y-you're trying to chan-" Harry tries to speak but his lover cuts him off with a sigh.

"See, there was so much panic in your eyes and you moved away from me just the slightest bit." He explains, getting some bandages for his knuckles.

"It wasn't directed towards you." Harry reassures him, stepping closer to him so he knows that he really means it.

"I know that. That's the messed up part about it." He replies, wrapping up his knuckles.

"I think I understand what's happening but at the same time I don't." Harry tells him in hopes that he will explain some more.

"Your situation with that man is what made me punch the wall, which is why my knuckles are like this." He informs him, putting the bandages back in the dresser.

"I didn't know my situation affected you too." Harry says and Niall comes back over to stand in front of him then grab him by the shoulders.

"You're my boyfriend if you don't remember. My connection with you is so deep that learning about your trauma left me with so much disturbance and anger. You were used for so many years and it probably would have continued if he didn't get caught. I hurt for the younger and older you almost everyday because your life was ruined. I can't even understand how this topic doesn't have you sobbing to your core." He confesses before time seems to slow down all of a sudden.

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