Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry is sitting in his desk chair while editing some articles for the past three hours. A pen is tucked behind his ear and a notepad sits in his lap. From time to time, he would sip his tea while pushing his reading glasses up to his face. Today is a very busy day for him. He's been kind of slacking on his work and his boss finally decided to ask him about it. He narrowly avoided getting a warning or raising any suspension from her for the time being. His lover, on the other hand, is out with his friend Mckenzie as he searches for a new job. After Judy's death, he didn't want to deal with caring for another elderly person for a while. Harry would have tagged along with him but Niall insisted that he should focus on his work. Suddenly, his phone starts to ring as he goes to focus back on his work. It's a random number that's calling. He picks up his phone thinking that his lover may be calling from his friend's number.

"Hello?" He answers, nothing but dread finally filling him when he hears that sickening voice.

"After all these years, you still have the same number. It's kind of cute." Elijah points out with a deep chuckle.

"You shouldn't have it memorized at all." He hisses out, generally surprised that this man still wants anything to do with him.

"You really grew into your voice I see." Elijah states and Harry wants to stop talking to not give him the satisfaction but he wants to put this monster in his place.

"Why the fuck are you calling me?" He questions, his hand gripping his phone impossible tight.

"Isn't it obvious? I've missed you quite a lot." Elijah confesses and it wasn't obvious.

"You don't miss me. You just miss my body." He corrects, gradually failing at being unbothered.

"That's what they made you think huh?" Elijah asks and it's clear that he finds it funny even if he's not laughing.

"They didn't make me think anything. It's something I know." He spits back and his anger doesn't affect Elijah in the slightest.

"Shouldn't we let bygones be bygones?" Elijah asks, trying to sound hurt and quiet.

"For you? Fuck no." He replies before laughing as if he has said the funniest joke on the planet.

"I want to see you though. See how you grew and whatnot." Elijah tells him as his eyes stare straight ahead.

As he starts to inform Harry what he's been up to since being arrested, he starts to tune him out. He starts to feel the panic picking up inside his mind. No no no. This can't be happening. He's been getting better. He thought he's been getting better. He knows he can end this by hanging up. He can block his number and never have to answer an unknown number ever again. It's that simple. No matter how hard he mentally yells at his hand to move, it doesn't follow his command though. He's too paralyzed by fear to do so. The fear of Elijah finding his home address and appearing here. The man could potential rape him or kidnap him. Though he never was a violent man, he doesn't know if prison could have changed him into being one. He doesn't want to be broken again because he doesn't think he'll be able to be repaired again.

"Are you still with me my little prince?" He asks and that is enough to snap him into reality again.

"Don't you dare call me that sick name." Harry answers with his remaining bit of anger disappearing from his voice and body.

"But you use to love it." He states in a teasing tone that it makes him sick.

"Just stop talking." Harry pleads, using his free hand to grip at his chest since his heart is beating so hard.

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