Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Author's P.O.V*

"If I say that I found you two very attractive, would that stop you guys from ever bringing this up again?" Dr.Malik questions, knowing that its better to just go along with it.

"You also gotta admit if you would have sex with us." Harry answers, scooting to the edge of his seat in excitement.

"Fine. Both of you are really attractive and I would have sex with you." He says without shifting in nervousness and remaining eye contact with both of them.

"I knew it all along." Harry states, wanting to push more to find out what would happen if they were to have sex.

The therapist does his best to keep his mind focus on the task in front of him. Though the couple has nothing to do with it, his hormones have been high for the past three days. It didn't interfere with his work but it sure did interfere with his home life. He hasn't had sex in little to over a year now. He doesn't please himself much either. It's not that he can't find anyone to have sex with but rather he can't find the time and isn't much of a fan of one night stands. This information can't dare be given to them, especially Harry. He would definitely push for the threesome then. It wouldn't be that hard for him to turn it down. In the meantime, he'll continue to enjoy the size difference between them and the way they treat each other in front of him. What? He can't be blamed for admiring something that is shoved in his face every other day. He breaks himself out of his mind before things get messy.

"I take it things had gotten pretty good between you two after the session yesterday." He says, tapping his pen against the notebook.

"Definitely. We just had to get over some minor setbacks." Niall tells him, not realizing the error in his words.

"What setbacks?" He questions and notices green eyes side eyeing the taller male.

"No setbacks. None at all. He's just spewing nonsense." Harry answers, elbowing his lover in the side.

"Yeah you know me, always spewing that nonsense." Niall states, rubbing his side as they both fake smile.

"It must have been related to Harry then. I'm going to go even further and say it was related to his parents." He tells him and the tick on the bomb starts.

"We said that there were no setbacks. Just believe us." Harry insists as his lover thinks of a way to defuse the situation.

"I know that this is hard to talk about or even understand but nobody in this room will criticize you or laugh at you because of your trauma. We can gradually break you out of your trauma if you let us." He reassures him with Harry now fed up with the sound of his voice.

"For the millionth time, I don't have trauma." Harry replies, another tick away from exploding.

"He doesn't have trauma. I have it." Niall confesses, wanting to take the heat off his boyfriend so he won't feel attacked.

"Nia-" His boyfriend and Dr.Malik attempt to say but he beats them at speaking.

"I was abused as a child. It was because I was too clingy for my parents to handle. I am an only child so of course I wanted to be around my parents every waking second of the day. I've had multiple beatings just from wanting to cuddle because of a nightmare, wanting to join them in the shower, wanting to sleep in their bed, wanting kisses, and it goes on and on. I've never gotten a hug, a head pat, or a back rub. They never even told me that they loved me." Niall explains, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Harry had thought when he mention abused that it was simple smacks on the hand or the head. He would have never thought that it was actual beatings. And he thought he had somewhat shitty parents. How could anyone do that to a child that they brought into this world? As far as he knows, those bastards didn't leave a permanent scar on him. He would like to leave a permanent scar on them. If he were to ever see them in person, he would have a boatload to say to them. He's grateful that abuse didn't turn his lover into a heartless monster. Even when he's sad or angry, he still sees him as an adorable dork. It hurts him seeing him angry or sad because of these sessions. This is why he doesn't like therapy to begin with. To him, they seem to just always put people in negative moods. He didn't want him to cover for him if he was just going to end up reliving some hurtful experiences. He would have endured Dr.Malik poking and prodding.

"I'm proud of you for sharing that with us. None of that abuse was your fault." Dr.Malik says, trying not to let his personal opinions get in the way.

"That doesn't matter because that proved I was unable to be loved by anyone." He responds, his big body appearing as small as a toddler.

"You have people that love you so much." Dr.Malik tells him, wishing that he knew some names so he can really get through to him.

"I'm not talking about the friendship type of love." He replies, surprised that he isn't bursting into tears yet.

"You have someone that loves you romantically." Dr.Malik informs, his eyes flickering to Harry in hopes that one of them gets it.

"How can someone love me when I don't even love myself?" He questions and that's something neither of them ever expected to hear him say.

"It's very much possible." Dr.Malik states and Niall wants to believe him, so bad, but he just can't.

Harry knows that's his cue to say something but he simply can't. His body won't allow him to. It gets to the point where his mouth goes dry and his throat closes up. Anything he says won't make the situation better. Everyone knows this yet they still put the pressure on him. Self hatred and hatred for others can't be healed so easily with a few words. It's like putting a small band-aid on a stab wound. He can feel that hatred radiating off of him that it feels as if it is directed towards him too. There's no way his lover could ever hate him. Right? He had just confessed that he loves him less than twenty four hours ago. That's it! Maybe that's what he needs to hear. He probably doesn't see how good of a person his parents pushed him to be. For a second, he thinks that he's good enough to replace Dr.Malik. That'll probably happen when pigs fly.

"You are capable of love though. Remember you told me that you love me yesterday." He reassures, not paying attention to the doctor's gasp.

"He did?" Dr.Malik asks suddenly before covering his mouth with his hand.

"The feelings aren't recuperated though." Niall states and Harry confirms that he should have just remained silent.

"Give him time. It's easy for you to give love and accept it but it is so much harder for him." Dr.Malik says, hoping they don't report him for that unprofessional moment.

"I know. I'm not angry at him." He replies and his boyfriend visibly relaxes because of that.

"Do you still keep in contact with your parents? How is your relationship with them now?" Dr.Malik questions, deciding to switch the topic for their sake.

"My dad died from lung cancer shortly after I graduated college and my mom has Alzheimer's disease and is in an elderly home. She completely forgot who I was four years ago so both relationships ended on bad terms I guess." He explains, his eyes darting everywhere around the room.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Dr.Malik tells him and Harry nods his head in agreement.

"I may not like it but I've come to terms with it." He responds before they hear that familiar ringing sound.

"If either of you feel overwhelmed or in a negative headspace after a session, please don't hesitate to email me or miss the next session. Your mental health is really important." Dr.Malik announces and that's the first time either of them has ever heard him that serious.




Thoughts??? Predictions??? I thought this story was going by fast but I just realized that we are on Chapter 19. 💀💀💀 That means I can add more angst.😈😈😈

Bye my Industry Baby.

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