Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Author's P.O.V*

"Could you tell me anything else about Elijah?" Dr.Malik asks and Harry decides to lay it all out on the table.

"I was groomed by him." He informs and Niall practically breaks his neck to look at him.

"Would that mea-" Dr.Malik tries to ask but Harry already knows what he's trying to ask.

"It started when I was eleven years old and ended when I was thirteen years old." He tells him and his lover shifts around uncomfortably.

"Could you share everything that you are comfortable with sharing about that situation?" Dr.Malik questions, hoping he can get all of the details in one session.

"He was thirty years old when I was eleven. He was a family friend that I had the biggest crush on him since I was like eight. He knew and took advantage of that. I thought I was old enough to understand adult things and that I could do what adults did. He convinced me that I was very mature and got me to sleep with him the night I turned eleven. It was a special birthday gift that I couldn't tell anyone about. After that, it got worse because he convinced me that we were a thing but really I was just a hole to him. Whenever he came over, he would make me meet him somewhere private in the house and he would fuck me. I enjoyed it at the time because I thought it was normal. He would caress me gently, whisper sweet nothing in my ear, and kissed me softly every time." He explains, mentally fighting the flashbacks that want to come.

"I need a break from this." Niall says before getting out his seat and leaving the room.

"The only reason he got caught was because my mom saw him leaving my room one night when she came home from work. She questioned him and he came up with a shitty excuse. She came into my room and saw the state I was in and didn't hesitate to call the cops. When my father found out, he was crushed because that was one of his best friends and his sweet son was robbed of his innocence. He wanted to kill him so bad. Being in that courtroom was torturous. After every one, I had a breakdown because I had let down my family and let myself down." He confesses, kind of sad that his lover left.

"What did your family do after he was convicted?" Dr.Malik asks, wanting to get this full story before he goes after Niall.

"We had moved because that house was tainted to them after they found out how many places we had sex. They tried to put me in therapy but I wouldn't say anything to the therapist and eventually they pulled me out. They tried to talk to me instead but I still wouldn't budge. I've kept everything bottled inside of me ever since that last trial until now." He says and he actually does feel better getting that off his chest."That's all."

This is the final piece that Dr.Malik was missing. It's a very tragic piece but everything about Harry Styles makes sense to him now. Harry and Niall's relationship makes way more sense now as well. The true healing can finally begin now for both of them. They have been doing these sessions for a month and a half now. He is genuinely surprised that Harry went so long without sharing or acknowledging that incident. Of course, he knows some people can go years without telling someone about their trauma, some even go as far as taking it to their grave. The effects of that are usually negative though. The person would have a different time dealing with physical touch, having a low sex drive, not trusting other people with their body, and many more. On the other hand, Harry is the exact opposite. He's a lot stronger than he probably gives himself credit for.

He exits his office and looks around the hallway to find it empty of Niall. There isn't any other place he could have gone besides the bathroom or outside the building. The bathroom is what he decides to go with. Upon entering, he sees Niall glaring into the mirror while gripping the sides of the sink tightly. He glances at the bottom of the stalls to confirm that they are the only two in here. He approaches him slowly before stopping when he's directly behind him. Due to how close he is now, he can see how red his knuckles are from punching something. His guess is that he may have punched the wall. He hopes that he didn't fracture or break his knuckles. He places his hand on his shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Niall doesn't attempt to look at him through the mirror but he knows that he's there.

"I've never felt this much rage before. Not even toward my parents." He says, resisting the urge to punch the mirror.

"I take it his confession is the cause for your rage." Dr.Malik states and the younger man has to stop himself from saying duh.

"It is. Everyone knows I'm not violent but I really want to murder that son of a bitch and I mean that with every fiber in my being." He explains, staring at his knuckles that are stinging in pain.

"I feel that there is something else there too." Dr.Malik responds and Niall loosens his tight grip.

"I'm incredibly sad too. I can't caress him, cuddle him, make love to him, or anything sweet for that matter because of that fucker. I essentially can't love him the way he should be loved." He confesses, hanging his head in defeat.

"Who says that you can't?" Dr.Malik asks and they finally make eye contact through the mirror.

"I do. That type of trauma doesn't just go away in a few weeks or months. That shit takes years." He answers and he starts to regret signing them up for this.

"If it take years, then so be it. You don't see it but you have made so much progress with him." Dr.Malik tells him and Niall turns around to face him. "Today is a big day for him and he needs you now more than ever."

Niall stares at him for a while as if he just revealed the cure for cancer. He hates himself for only thinking about how Harry's trauma is effecting him when his boyfriend has it ten times worse than him. It's unfair how a small part of him wanted to back out of this the moment he discovers Harry's trauma when Harry never made an attempt to leave after finding out his trauma. This time his feelings need to come second. For the sake of this relationship. Just before they leave, Dr.Malik examines his knuckles to make sure that everything is alright. When everything checks out, they make their way back to the room to find Harry playing with a loose fabric on the couch. He gives them a small smile then pats the spot next to him for his lover to sit. Niall comes over and sits to him while pulling him close to his side and interlocking their fingers together.

"I just want to say that I'm sorry that both of you had to go through such traumatizing things at such a young age." Dr.Malik says and they both look like lost puppies as they stare at him.

"Thanks I guess." Harry responds, scratching the back of his ear in awkwardness.

"Neither incident were either of your fault and don't blame yourself for the way you are now because of it." Dr.Malik reassures, really hoping these words are reaching the depth of their souls.

"We'll definitely keep that in mind." Niall replies and the therapist feels a little better from hearing that.

"I want to end these last ten minutes with us discussing your opinion on the latest popular drama." Dr.Malik tells them and Harry immediately jumps in.

With the session over, the couple make their way to the bathroom. Neither one of them had to pee but Niall needs them to be in here. He just knows that the car ride home is going to be awkward if he doesn't do anything about it. He's going to do this to save themselves from a potential argument too. Harry waits by the door thinking he has to pee but a look of confusion comes up on his face when he is tugged toward the last stall. The moment he's inside, the door is locked and his lips are attacked with kisses. This is the first time he's ever been confused on why his lover is making sexual advances at him. He thought today's session would discourage him from trying since it was pretty depressing. Nonetheless, he goes along with it. As they have sex, Dr.Malik greets one of his coworkers in the hallway. He tries his hardest to pretend he doesn't hear the couple in the bathroom. He's pretty sure his coworker can hear them as well. God help them all.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? I had this chapter ready weeks ago. Sorry for the delay.

Bye my Old Me.

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