Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

*Author's P.O.V*

"How is the lovely couple today?" Dr. Malik asks once they get comfortable on his couch.

"We're good as usual." Niall answers, looking at his boyfriend, who nods his head in agreement.

"No setbacks? No arguments? No new discovery?" Dr. Malik questions as both of them choose not to bring up Elijah as if it ever happened.

"Surprisingly, no. We've been pretty consistent with being a normal couple." He replies, and the therapist wants to clap for them but feels like that would be doing too much.

"That's excellent. Anything that is upcoming that I should know about?" Dr. Malik asks, deciding this time to not write anything down. 

"We're going on vacation with my family." Harry informs him, and Dr. Malik grows a smile on his face.

"What are your thoughts on that?" Dr. Malik asks, and Harry answers him without any hesitation.

"I think it's fine. I just don't want it to be awkward for him." He says, though he doubts it, will be awkward because his family isn't weirdos, and neither is his lover.

"Awkward?" Dr. Malik questions, getting a few ideas on why it could be that way.

"Well, he never had a close relationship with his parents, and I don't want to have the memory of them surface for him while he's around my family or make him feel excluded." He explains, and Niall internally awes at how considerate that sounds.

"How does that make you feel?" Dr. Malik asks, looking at Niall whose eyes grow wide as he looks at him.

Niall sits there in surprise as he tries to figure out how he feels. He didn't think of him hanging out with his family in that way before. He doesn't think that he ever would have if he didn't bring it up. Happiness is the emotion he decides to go with. That's the best and only answer he'll accept. He never thought that he would have another family ever again. Though the Styles aren't perfect, they are everything he ever hoped for and more. He wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. He's sure that they could say the same thing about him. If this was his second chance of having a stable family, then so be it. He'll enjoy it for as long as he can. He deserves it after all.

"I don't mind the consideration." Niall confesses, shrugging his shoulders."I have a new family now, and that's all that really matters to me."

"Is that all that really matters to you?" Dr. Malik tells him, noticing his tight-lipped smile.

"Yeah, why?" He asks with Harry and him, looking at the therapist confused.

"Because your voice seems to have trembled a bit, and your eyes are glossy." Dr. Malik tells him, and Niall lets out a bitter laugh as he shakes his head.

"You're a bit too good." He says and avoids everyone's eyes so he won't end up crying."I just think it's kind of fucked up that I have to have an entire different family take me in because I wasn't right for my parents."

"Lovebird, no-" Harry but Dr.Malik holds up his hand so he can stop so Niall can get all his feelings out.

"I want to hate them so bad but I simply can't no matter how hard I try. I still want their love but now I can't even get an ounce of it." He confesses, looking down at his lap in shame.

Those thoughts have always been in the back of his mind. He never wanted to say them out loud for the fear of sounding stupid or appearing weak. Those thoughts only ever grew when Harry mentioned his family or when he's around his family in some way. Maybe if he had gotten an ounce of their love, he would have turned out differently. Why was he even born if this was going to be the outcome of his life? He should have been aborted or even put into foster care. Either one of those outcomes would have been better than this. Then again, if that were to happen, he wouldn't have met Harry and found some form of happiness. He wouldn't have been able to heal his boyfriend from his trauma either.

"Would you consider visiting your mother again to see what happens?" Dr.Malik asks and Niall bites at his bottom lip for a while before answering.

"I don't know. I could freeze up and blow my chance or maybe she wouldn't even care." He answers, picking at his fingernails.

"That's okay. It was just a suggestion. Seeing someone who caused you trauma for so long can feel very overwhelming, especially after some years." Dr.Malik tells him, eyeing Harry quickly to let him know that he has someone that can relate to him.

"Then again, it could be entirely different from what I think." He says with the therapist nodding his head with a shrug.

"That could be true. It's all up to you though." Dr.Malik responds and Niall low-key wishes that he would have decided for him.

It sounds messed up but Harry did not want him to meet his mother ever again. He wants to say it out loud so his opinion could be taken into consideration but he restrains himself from doing it. She doesn't deserve a second chance for what she did to him. He doesn't want to give her anymore power to hurt him emotionally or physically. The same would apply if his mother or father were to have done the same thing as her. He is pretty sure that his thoughts are obvious on his face so he makes his face blank to save himself. He forgot how expressive his face can get. It appears to help him because he notices the two of them were looking at him now. Did he happen to say his thoughts out loud without realizing? That can't be because they aren't looking at him weird. He just decides to nod at them and leave it at that.

The rest of the session is used to talk about Harry's family dynamic now that Niall has gotten to know them. It is kind of cute to see Harry talk about his family in such a caring way, though it doesn't seem like he notices that he is doing it. Neither one of them ever pictured him being that close to his family. Then again, he never proved to them that he wasn't close to them. Even now, he's still full of surprises. Dr.Malik notices how attentive he has gotten as well, especially with Niall. His eyes track his lips every time he says something and any small gestures he does. There would be times where he wouldn't notice that he was smiling when his lover was or moving in the slightest when he did. It is a lot obvious now how much he cares for him. He knows he wouldn't deny it if he were to bring it up now.

"I'm not going to have a say on your sex life anymore. I believe you both have a good amount of self control now." Dr.Malik tells them as they get up from their seats."From now on, our sessions are just going to be about check-ins and your future."

"Just to spite you, we're going to go have sex in the parking lot." Harry teases but the therapist doesn't even flinch at that.

"I hope you guys get arrested for it." Dr.Malik says while getting his notebook for his next patient.

"Doctor." Harry replies with a very dramatic gasp while Niall tries to contain his laughter.

"Later guys." Dr.Malik says, waving them out and Harry can safely confirm that he has finally gotten used to them.

"Bye doctor." Niall replies before leaving the office while holding hands."Are we really going to have sex in the parking lot?"

"No, I want to go get some food and watch some dumb reality show." He says and Niall smiles at that then they make their way home.




Thoughts??? I know I know. The remaining two chapters SHOULD be out before next Tuesday.

Bye my Mulberry Street.

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