Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Author's P.O.V*

"You've been working all day and its making me lonely." Niall whines out six hours later while hanging upside down on the bed.

"Sorry but I'm going to be busy all day." He replies after snapping from his thoughts.

"There is no way you are that backed up on work." Niall responds, dragging his hands down his face.

"Having a job that requires a lot of writing and research, will do that to you lovebird." He states, getting a huff of air in return.

"I don't want to hear it. We're going to do something today." Niall tells him, flipping himself off the bed before walking to him.

"Don't you think you're smothering me just a bit?" He asks and he hears him stop.

"What do you mean?" Niall asks, trying not to let that little voice in his call him clingy.

"I just mean you know how affection puts me on edge and I'm trying not to let that get in between us, but you have to realize you can't just throw all of it at me all the time even if I showed signs of improvement." He explains while turning around in the chair to face him.

"I guess I did get a little too carried away. I'm sorry." Niall says, going to sit back on the bed but is stopped.

"We can still do something though. It wouldn't hurt to take a break." He reassures him, giving him a smile in which he returns.

It's the painful truth but Harry could have finished his work hours ago. Elijah had put him so on edge that he worked a lot slower than he normally would. It didn't help that his phone was sitting next to him. He had kept glancing at it in hopes that he could catch a notification from him to block it. Nothing had came though. He figured that if Elijah was going to have him this discombobulated then he should do something that would distract him from him. He knows that he should tell his lover and Dr.Malik about this but he just can't bring himself to do it. They think he is getting better and he doesn't want to ruin that for him. Hell, he should tell the police about this but he figures they won't do anything since he's an adult now. He definitely doesn't want to tell Niall because he might actually go searching for the man or break something in anger.

It took twenty minutes of searching on google before the couple lucked up on something to do. An aquarium was having a neon night for a week. Today happened to be their last day having it. They leave as quickly as they can seeing as the aquarium closes in another three hours. Once they get there, it is pretty clear how excited Harry is because he particularly leaves his lover behind to get inside. Niall pays for their entry before they walk in holding hands. For it being their last time being open at night, it isn't as crowded as they thought it would be. There were a few families here but it most consisted of couples. The lights were changed from a neutral white to a rainbow of neon. The walls and ceiling were covered in neon decorations as well. There was some festive music playing overhead as well. Harry could give two shits about all of that though.

"No fucking way. This looks so much better in person." He says, rushing over to the huge glass.

"Have you never been?" Niall questions and it takes his boyfriend some time but he answers nonetheless.

"No but I always wanted to as a kid." He explains, reminding himself to lecture his parents about not taking him.

"Glad I could help you check it off your bucket list." Niall replies, patting the top if his head.

"Thank yo- it's a fucking shark." He says while pressing his hands against the glass.

In this moment, he looks like a child. He looks like one even more by pressing his face against the glass as a huge turtle swims by. Little gasps leave his mouth from time to time with eyes darting everywhere. This experience is definitely healing his inner child a little bit. He doesn't care how stupid he looks right now. Any one would react the same way if it was their first time seeing so many ocean creatures. Digging in his pocket for his phone, Niall pulls it out and starts to take pictures. This was a moment he couldn't wait to look back on in the future. He hopes that one day he looks back at this moment with Harry and his children. He doesn't know if Harry would even want kids but if he didn't then he is completely fine with reliving this moment with him. It isn't till a few minutes later that Harry's excitement turns down a little bit. Due to that, he realizes how cold it is inside too.

"I didn't really expect it to be this chilly in here." He says, rubbing the sides of his arms.

"Take my jacket." Niall states while immediately unzipping it and pulling his arms out.

"But then you'll be cold lovebird." He replies as his lover holds the jacket up for him.

"I promise you I won't. I don't want you catching you a cold." Niall tells him and smiles when he steps into the jacket.

"I was not expecting this jacket to be this big on me." He says, showing off how his hands are hidden by the sleeves.

"I could just die from how cute you look right now." Niall states, seeing him trying to roll the sleeves back but they keep falling down.

"Quit it." He tells him, smacking him on the chest with the sleeve and that makes him laugh.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom." Niall states when he gets an idea.

He really isn't going to use the bathroom. He wanted to get him something from the gift shop. For the longest time, he has always wanted to get him a gift of some sort. Every time Christmas or his birthday had came around, he had claimed that he didn't want or need anything besides sex. He knows if he would tell him about it he would say he didn't want anything. He wasn't going to focus on the price range either. This will be his first gift to him so he doesn't mind going all out. He walks around until he finds the gift shop. Upon entering, he regrets not asking Harry his favorite animal. This would have made it a lot easier for him. The idea of texting him about it right now comes up but he doesn't want to give his surprise away. He walks around the shop while trying to channel his inner Harry in hopes that would lead him in the right direction.

"Is there anything in particular that I can help you with?" A female worker asks when she sees him scratching the back of his head.

"I'm looking for a gift for my boyfriend." He explains, never being more grateful for a worker being nosey.

"Do you know what he's in to?" She asks and he looks away from her while trying to hide his blush.

"Not really." Niall admits, feeling extremely embarrassed but the woman doesn't seem to care.

"I know what you need." She says, taking him to the front of the shop.

"That was a quick piss." Harry says a few minutes later when Niall comes back over to him.

"That's because it wasn't a piss." He replies and Harry looks at him fully to see a bag in his hands.

"You got me something?" Harry asks, taking the bag when it is offered to him.

"Some things." He corrects then giving him a wink.

"You didn't have to do that lovebird." Harry says but just receives a shrug.

"Look inside." He says as he starts to rock on the heels of his feet in anticipation.

Harry pulls the first item out of the bag and it's a koala backpack. He doesn't even have time to register the smile that appears on his face. The second gift is a cat hat that has moveable ears by squeezing a button. The last gift is a stuffed dolphin that make cute noises when it is squeezed. He puts on the backpack and hat before holding the dolphin in his arms. He was too focus on his gifts to care about Niall taking more pictures of him or the two kids that giggle at him as they run by. Tears start to surface and he looks at his boyfriend with his bottom lip trembling. Niall puts his phone away immediately and goes to grab his shoulders to comfort him. He starts to think that his boyfriend must hate the gifts or they must have triggered him. Neither one proves to be true because he receives a kiss before being hugged tightly.

"Thank you." Harry says, closing his eyes and really taking the time to soak in this moment.




Predictions??? Thoughts??? Panicking because I don't know how to end this story.😭

Bye my Shy Away.

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